The Secret Bedroom

The Secret Bedroom by R.L. Stine, Bill Schmidt Page B

Book: The Secret Bedroom by R.L. Stine, Bill Schmidt Read Free Book Online
Authors: R.L. Stine, Bill Schmidt
Tags: SOC035000
the air toward Lea.
    â€œYes! That’s it!” Lea cried happily. “That’s perfect!”
    Catherine reappeared then with a soft
of air, standing beside Lea, the candlestick in her hand. “This could be fun,” she said, smiling. “I’ve never haunted anyone before.”
    â€œI want to convince Marci that I have evil powers,” Lea said, unable to suppress an eager grin. “I worked out this whole idea on my way home from school. This girl has been so awful to me. I just want to pay her back so she’ll leave me alone.”
    â€œI’ll be happy to help,” Catherine said, floating back across the room to replace the candlestick.
    â€œYou just have to follow my cues,” Lea said excitedly. “Make it appear that I’m making all kinds of strange things happen. I want to terrify Marci out of her wits. I want to make her so frightened that she’ll never dare to hurt me again.”
    â€œShe’ll never hurt you again,” Catherine repeated quietly to herself. She took Lea’s hand and squeezed it gently. Catherine’s hand felt so cold in Lea’s.
    Cold as death, Lea thought. But she forced herself not to react. She didn’t want to hurt Catherine’s feelings.
    â€œI cannot believe you are taking me outside,”Catherine said, floating up joyfully off the floor. “When can we go?”
    Lea glanced at her watch. “It’s quarter to five. Marci is probably home right now. Let’s go now, Catherine.”
    â€œYes!” Catherine cried ecstatically. “Yes. Now. She’ll never hurt you again. Yes!”
    Catherine vanished from sight, startling Lea. She stared around the room, searching for her.
    â€œCatherine? Where’d you go?”
    Suddenly Lea began to feel strange. At first she felt dizzy. Then the dizziness became like a weight that pressed down on the top of her head.
    Lea felt the weight press its way down on her head, down her shoulders and chest, then down on her entire body, lower, lower.
    I feel as if I weigh a thousand pounds, she thought.
    But then suddenly she felt as if the weight had been lifted and she became so light she might actually float away.
    Then she had the sensation of losing control, losing all control.
    â€œCatherine? What’s happening?” Lea cried. “Oh—help! Catherine? Stop! Please stop! Catherine—what are you doing to me?”

“R elax, Lea,” said a silent voice inside Lea’s head. “I can feel the tension in your body.”
    â€œCatherine—where are you? What have you done to me?” Lea cried.
    â€œIt will be fine,” the voice inside Lea’s head said mysteriously.
me!” Lea realized with horror. “Inside my brain!”
    She was still standing in the attic room. At least, she
she was standing. She couldn’t feel her legs, she realized. Or her arms. Or anything.
    Catherine has taken over my body, Lea thought. I’m still inside—but I’m no longer in control.
    â€œIt will be fine,” Catherine repeated. This time the words came out of Lea’s mouth—in Lea’s voice!
    â€œCatherine—please!” Lea pleaded. “I’m frightened. I feel so strange.”
    â€œI’m frightened too,” Catherine replied in Lea’svoice. “I’ve never been outside before. I won’t hurt you, Lea. I promise. And I’ll separate myself from you when we reach Marci’s house. It doesn’t hurt, does it?”
    â€œNo,” Lea admitted. “It just feels so strange. I feel so light, so weak. So out of control.”
    â€œI’m sorry if it frightens you. But it would be impossible to travel any other way,” Catherine said, speaking softly through Lea’s lips. “It would take all my energy. I’m not strong enough to travel any distance on my own.”

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