Bound To The Beast

Bound To The Beast by Alexx Andria

Book: Bound To The Beast by Alexx Andria Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alexx Andria
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    By Alexx Andria
    Copyright © 2012 by Alexx Andria. All rights reserved.
    *This naughty bit of a story is intended for mature readers only. If you’re not 18 years or older, find something else to read.
    The following short story of approx. 6 ,900 words is an erotic romance and it features sexual acts between a wolf-shifter and a curvy woman destined to be his mate .
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    His black eyes shone with a mesmerizing light from across the crowded bar. The pulse of the club music throbbed all around me as I nursed my drink, waiting for the man I knew wasn’t coming. I averted my gaze from the broad-shouldered stranger watching me with something akin to hunger. It was frightening the way his stare never faltered, as if he were waiting for the right moment to drag me into a darkened corner to rip my clothes from my body with his sharp teeth. There was something feral about the man that I couldn’t quite believe. I’d been to this club a million times and never seen anyone so dangerously hypnotic. I should’ve paid my tab and gone home when I realized the guy I’d hoped was coming had stood me up.
    I tried to hide my hurt and disappointment — I shoul d’ve known Jeremy wouldn’t come — but I couldn’t quell the sadness t hat bubbled from my bruised ego at being stood up again b y the guy that had plainly told me I was his No. 3 girl.
    I wasn’t the girl who turned heads but I wasn’ t ugly either. I was, as Jeremy had put it, cute, in an ordinary way. So w hy the impossibly tall and wide— shouldered man seemed taken with me I hadn’t a clue but it made me edgy. It was disconcerting to be regarded with such open interest. I risked a glance his way and realized with a start he was gone.
    Oh .
    I stuffed down the odd flash of disappointment and went to finish my drink but just as I lifted my glass I was rudely jostled by the group next to me clamoring for the bartender’s attention. I gasped as my drink splashed down my front, soaking my blouse with the remains of my gin and tonic.
    “Sorry,” one guy tossed over his shoulder without really looking my way. I slid from my bar stool and muttered, “jerk” as I headed for the bathroom. My plan had been to rinse off as best as I could then head home, putting an end to the depressing night.
    So much for getting dressed to impress, I thought grumpily as I grabbed a handful of paper towels and began mopping up t he wetness ruining my dry-clean— only blouse. I didn’t hear the door open but I suddenly became aware that I wasn’t alone. The hair on the back of my neck prickled and I slowly turned, praying that I was simply being melodramatic. But somehow I knew before even turning that it was him standing there, blocking my exit and watching me with open hunger.
    I turned and my heart jumped into my throat. “What are you doing?” I asked, my voice a high-pitched squeak as I flattened against the opposite wall . “This is the l-ladies room.”
    “You smell like honey and rain,” he said, his mouth curving in a sensual line that did weird things to my ability to remain standing. I almost forgot that he was likely a weirdo or psychotic killer but I remembered quickly when he began walking toward me.
    “Stop!” I cried, my voice shaking. “Or I’ll scream. Get out and leave me alone and we can just forget this ever happened and you won ’ t have to go to jail for being a creeper. ”
    “Forget? And why would I want to do that? It’s taken a century to find you…I’m not about to walk away.”
    “W-what? Are you crazy?” I asked, my mouth trembling. Had he said…a century? Fabulous . I was locked in a dimly light clu b bathroom with a

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