The Scarlet Kimono (Choc Lit)

The Scarlet Kimono (Choc Lit) by Christina Courtenay Page B

Book: The Scarlet Kimono (Choc Lit) by Christina Courtenay Read Free Book Online
Authors: Christina Courtenay
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Historical
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removed. There was something restful about the simple approach of his old teacher.
    ‘You have lived for so long, Sensei , there must be some advice you can give me?’ he prodded at last, when it seemed as though Yanagihara had forgotten the subject under discussion and lost himself in his calligraphy.
    Yanagihara pointed to the character he had just formed on the paper in front of him. ‘What does that say?’ he asked.
    Taro frowned and stared at the kanji for a moment, wondering yet again if the old man’s mind had gone soft. He was how old now? Taro wasn’t sure, but he did know Yanagihara was at least seventy. It took him a while to summon up the meaning of this particular character as it wasn’t one he used often. ‘The mysterious? The unknowable?’ he guessed.
    ‘Indeed, my lord.’ Yanagihara nodded. ‘And do you notice that it is made up of two parts?’
    Taro looked again and then smiled as understanding dawned. ‘Ah, I see what you mean. Separately one part means young and the other one woman. Very clever.’
    ‘There is your explanation. Even the Chinese, who made up these characters so long ago, equated women with mystery. There is something about them we men will never grasp, not in a million years.’
    Taro sighed. ‘So what you are saying is that I can’t change Hasuko, I have to accept her as she is?’
    ‘Well, it is of course your prerogative to demand things of her, but I think you’ll find she will never do anything out of liking for you, or even respect. In my visions I believe I have seen her true self and nothing you can do will change the way she sees you. It’s sad, but since you chose to marry her, it is your Fate.’
    ‘You know I couldn’t have backed out at the last moment. That would have been unthinkable. And surely she must realise this is her fate too, so why can’t she accept it with good grace? Most other women would. It’s not as if I ill-treat her, quite the opposite. Maybe I’m being too lenient?’
    ‘It’s not in her character. It’s possible she was indulged too much by her father. She’s the most beautiful of his daughters and the youngest child, a dangerous combination.’
    ‘And what of this concubine business? Hasuko parades little Kimi before me at every opportunity, no doubt hoping she will entice me. I’m insulted my wife abhors my touch that much, although she tried to tell me she was doing it out of consideration for me. Hah! She’s only thinking of herself. Any other woman would have given up after I refused the girl, but not Hasuko.’
    ‘It is for you to decide. Do you really want an unwilling woman in your bed? Where is the pleasure in that? She is doing her duty and has quickened with child. If I were you, I would leave her alone until such time as she is ready to bear another. Should the child be a girl, then I am sure Hasuko- sama will be prepared to try again. She knows it’s her duty.’
    ‘You think I should accept a concubine of her choosing then?’
    ‘Perhaps. You have shown her now that you are the master by refusing initially. You can afford to be magnanimous. If you wish, you could veil your acceptance in protestations of care for Hasuko- sama , who is now presumably rather large with child?’
    ‘Hmm. Very well, I’ll think about it. I can’t say I am happy with this situation, but as always, your wisdom is greater than mine.’
    Yanagihara bowed and then presented the finished page of calligraphy to his lord with a twinkle lurking in his eyes. ‘Take this, my lord, to remind you you’re not alone. All men have these problems and they always will.’

Chapter Thirteen
    On board the Sea Sprite , 4th July 1611
    Hannah sat slumped against the wall for what seemed like ages. She couldn’t believe what had happened and found it hard to reconcile the Captain Rydon she knew with the hard man who was coming to flog her soon. Her thoughts spun round and round, trying to understand. It just didn’t make sense. He had

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