The Scarlet Kimono (Choc Lit)

The Scarlet Kimono (Choc Lit) by Christina Courtenay Page A

Book: The Scarlet Kimono (Choc Lit) by Christina Courtenay Read Free Book Online
Authors: Christina Courtenay
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Historical
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before she had time to say anything.
    ‘Do you know what the punishment is for stowing away on my ship, young man?’
    Hannah gasped. Young man? Was he blind? ‘But, Captain, I’m not –’ she began, but was interrupted yet again.
    ‘A flogging and then you’ll be thrown overboard.’ Hannah felt the blood drain from her face. ‘I can’t abide stowaways,’ she heard him mutter, before he turned back to the other man. ‘Damned nuisance, this.’
    ‘Yes, sir, but seein’ as he’s so young, perhaps a little leniency …?’ Jones stared from the captain to Hannah and back again.
    ‘Don’t be daft, man. Leave us.’ The captain’s mouth tightened into a thin line of disapproval as the door shut behind Jones. Hannah crawled forward slightly and gazed up at Rydon. The cabin seemed much smaller with his towering presence filling in the space. She hurried to get to her feet. As she self-consciously dusted off her clothes, she noticed just how filthy she was. She probably stank to high heaven as well. She ran a hand across her cheek and felt grime encrusted on her skin. It was no wonder the captain didn’t recognise her.
    ‘I, I would like to speak to the other captain, if – if you please,’ she stuttered. She needed Jacob. He’d know her anywhere, of that she was sure, grime or no grime.
    Rydon drew himself up and looked down his nose at her. ‘What other captain? This is my ship and as I said before, stowaways are not tolerated.’
    Hannah goggled at him. His ship? She’d boarded the wrong one? Dear Lord, that meant she’d been alone with strange men for days, without her brother as nominal chaperon. Her lungs constricted and she suddenly felt breathless as the enormity of her situation dawned on her.
    ‘You will wait here until I have the time to administer the flogging personally,’ he continued. ‘Then you’ll be thrown into the sea. I hope you can swim.’
    Rydon marched to the door and put his hand on the latch, ignoring her cry of protest. ‘But, captain –’
    ‘Silence!’ The door slammed shut behind him and Hannah sank to the floor.
    What had she done?

Chapter Twelve
    Northern Japan, November 1611
    ‘Women are impossible to understand. I have done everything in my power to make Hasuko feel at home here, Yanagihara- san , but it doesn’t seem to make any difference. Costly kimonos , servants aplenty, jewels, hair ornaments, beautiful pieces of art – what more could she possibly want? And I have made it clear I prefer her above all others. Don’t you think that ought to please a woman?’
    Having reached the end of his patience in his dealings with his wife, Taro had sought out his old teacher and mentor in the hope of a few words of wisdom, but the old man only smiled and shook his head.
    ‘I can’t say. It is not for us men to understand them, simply to learn to live with them in harmony.’
    ‘But that’s exactly what I’m trying to do!’ Taro paced the length of the old man’s verandah and back again. ‘I don’t think I’ve made any unreasonable demands of her. In fact, I have often allowed her to decide whether she wants to spend time with me or not, but I am her husband. She is duty bound to respect me, honour me.’
    Yanagihara said nothing. He had been busy with some exquisite calligraphy when Taro arrived and he continued this task with slow, deliberate movements and great concentration. Taro knew there was no point in pushing the old man, so he drew in a calming breath and settled down to wait on a cushion just inside the sliding doors. Yanagihara would give his answers in his own good time.
    To contain his impatience he looked around the tiny room in which Yanagihara passed his days. It was plain in the extreme, with only a single kakemono , or scroll painting mounted on silk fabric, adorning a small alcove. He mentally compared it to his own suite of rooms, which had hangings and painted screens on every wall, and wondered if perhaps he should have some

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