The Royal Flush (Knights of the Darkness Chronicles(Book Three))

The Royal Flush (Knights of the Darkness Chronicles(Book Three)) by D.N. Simmons

Book: The Royal Flush (Knights of the Darkness Chronicles(Book Three)) by D.N. Simmons Read Free Book Online
Authors: D.N. Simmons
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he looked. Tentatively, she reached up and brushed her fingertip across his face until she found the long strands of his thick brown eyelashes continuing on to trace the sensuous curve of his lovely shaped mouth. She turned around and traced the fine curves of Darian’s face as well.
    She smiled to herself.
    “Look at my men, so perfect,” she whispered softly.
    She climbed out of the bed, picking up the cordless telephone to call Warren.
    “Hello?” Warren greeted, his voice seemed to be alert. Natasha wondered if he had gotten any rest.
    “Warren, this is Natasha, I had a vision. But I can’t tell you much, which is what I feared,” she said sadly.
    “Don’t worry about it, just tell me whatever you can,” Warren replied.
    “Okay, she’s being held in a cell, it was dark in there and there weren’t any windows. She was being watched from a video camera, but she broke it when she ripped it off the wall. The walls are so thick because the room is soundproof and she can’t hear anyone from the other side, although she suspects they are there at times. I know that she’s scared and sad. Also, they haven’t fed her much, if any at all. I could feel her hunger and she’s ravenous ! That’s all I can tell you,” Natasha said.
    “At least we have something we might be able to go on, maybe her captives will make a mistake,” Warren said in a hopeful tone.
    “Not likely, I almost forgot to mention this. She caught the scents of other shape-shifters that were held in that very same cell. It’s my guess that the previous captives are no longer living. I’ll continue to dig and find out whatever I can,” Natasha said reassuringly.
    “Any little bit you find out will help,” Warren said, his words slightly distorted by an involuntary yawn.
    “Warren, have you been to bed yet? It doesn’t sound like it. I want you to get some rest. I know you’re strong and resilient, but you still need your rest.
    “I promise,” Warren lied.
    He hadn’t been able to sleep soundly since his Pack member disappeared. “Okay, let me relay this to Xander. Call me if you pick up anything else. Thanks Tasha.”
    “My pleasure. Talk to you later.”
    Natasha hung up the phone and walked into the bathroom. When she exited, she looked at the two sleeping forms on the bed. Both men lay on their sides facing each other. Darian’s long jet black hair fanned out behind him on his pillow. Natasha smiled, walking over to the bed. She kissed both men softly on their foreheads, before she left the room to head to her own private bedroom to finish sleeping. She hoped that she would be able to pick up more from the vision. She climbed under the soft, cool Egyptian cotton sheets and settled against the comfortable pillows. After closing her eyes, she slowly began to drift back to sleep. As she slipped deeper and deeper into unconsciousness, she heard the loud musical ringer of her cell phone. She woke up with a start. Reaching over, she turned on the table lamp as she climbed out of the bed and ran towards the window seat, snatched up her purse and pulled out her cell phone flipping it open.
    “Hello?” she greeted breathlessly.
    “I’m so glad that I was able to reach you, Natasha,” Elise asked. “I hope I’m not interrupting anything?”
    “Oh! No, no… I just had to run for the phone. What’s up, Elise?” Natasha asked, she began to feel herself become more alert. She looked at the clock on the nightstand; it was twenty minutes after noon. She hadn’t realized just how late in the day it was due to the thick drapes blocking out the sunlight.
    “Natasha, I’m sorry to have awakened you, but I need you to come by my home. I can send someone to pick you up. I really don’t want to discuss our situation over the telephone, can you make it?” Elise asked.
    Natasha could tell by the urgency in Elise’s voice that whatever was going on was serious.
    “Yes, of course, I’m at Darian’s mansion. I can be ready in about half

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