Medical Journal
James Le Fanu
A Member of the Perseus Books Group
New York
Copyright © 1999, 2012 by James Le Fanu
Published by Basic Books,
A Member of the Perseus Books Group
First edition published in Great Britain in 1999 by Abacus, an imprint of Little, Brown
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For Frederick and Allegra
T he arduousness of writing has been more than compensated for by the privilege of meeting so many of those who participated in the great events recorded in this book. To them; to the sympathetic souls whose interest has been more important than they realise; to the librarians at the Royal Society of Medicine and the Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine; to my wife Juliet; to my agent Caroline Dawnay, publishers Philippa Harrison and Richard Beswick and editors Andrew Gordon and Victoria Pepe; and to Vanessa Adams and Caroline Sherbrooke for their prodigious secretarial skills: my thanks.
Dr Digby Anderson, Lord Annan, Bryan Appleyard, Mr John Ballantyne FRCS, Sir Douglas Black, Professor Nicholas Black, Sir Christopher Booth, Dr Thomas Boulton, Professor John Bunker, Dr Bruce Charlton, Mr Bill Cleland FRCS, Sir John Dacie, Dr Ann Dally, Dr Anthony Daniels, Professor Norman Dennis, Professor C. J. Dickinson, Sir Richard Doll, Professor Deborah Doniach, Professor Israel Doniach, Professor R. S. Downie, Sir John Ellis, Professor Peter Ellwood, Professor Renée Fox, Mr Michael Freeman FRCS, Professor David Galton, Dr John Glyn, Mr James Gow FRCS, Dr C. W. Haigh,Professor John Hampton, Dr Myles Harris, Sir Donald Harrison, Dr I. D. Hill, Professor A. V. Hoffbrand, Dr Arthur Holman, Mr John Hopewell FRCS, Dr David Horrobin, Professor Bryan Jennett, Professor Trevor Jones, Dr Michael Joseph, Dr Leo Kinlen, Dr Ghislaine Lawrence, Professor John Marshall, Dr William Marshall, Dr Robert Matthews, Professor James McCormick, Professor Kenneth Minogue, Dr G. Misiewicz, Professor John Moorehead, Mr E. P. OâDonoghue FRCS, Professor Peter Openshaw, Mr Nicholas Parkhouse FRCS, Professor Michael Patton, Sir Stanley Peart, Mr Elliot Philipp FRCS, Mr Michael Powell FRCS, Dr David Pyke, Mr Gordon Rees FRCS, Professor Jonathan Rees, Professor Lesley Rees, Dr Henry Rollin, Dr Jack Scannell, Dr Rupert Sheldrake, Professor Peter Skrabanek, Professor Alexander Spiers, Professor Gordon Stewart, Mr John Studd FRCOG, Professor Raymond Tallis, Dr Tilli Tansey, Dr Wendy Taylor, Professor Tom Treasure FRCS, Mr Patrick Trevor-Roper FRCS, Dr John Wade, Sir David Weatherall, Dr Mark Weatherall, Professor Simon Wesseley, Mr Adrian While FRCS, Dr Elizabeth Whipp, Mr John Wickham FRCS, Sir Michael Woodruff, Dr Nigel Yeatman.
O ver the past fifty years medicine has metamorphosed from a modest pursuit of limited effectiveness into a massive global phenomenon employing millions and costing (hundreds of) billions. Now, in the vast shiny palace the modern hospital has become, the previously unimaginable goals of transplanting organs and curing childhood cancer have become