The Reluctant Bachelor

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Book: The Reluctant Bachelor by Syndi Powell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Syndi Powell
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the side and peered at him. “Why?”
    “It’s kind of like a coach watching film of last week’s game. Creating strategy for the next one.” He clapped his hands, then cupped his mouth. “C’mon, batter.”
    Lizzie sighed and walked back down the bleachers, where she conferred with her camera operators when the umpire called the last out. The game with immunity at stake had been his idea. A way to spur competition.
    He needed to make this time around different. He had to do this right. Had to do the right things to earn not only his true love but acceptance. From the television audience. From his family.
    From Lizzie.
    * * *
    E LIZABETH KNEW NEXT to nothing about sports, but she knew what a score meant. The winning team jumped up and down, congratulating each other, while the losers looked dejected, some even pointing fingers at who had caused the loss. She approached them first. This was time to take care of business. Maybe even soothe some bruised egos. “Ladies, I’m sorry. We have a shuttle to take you back to the house, where dinner will be ready. This means you’ll be at risk of going home at the next elimination. Again, I’m sorry.”
    She glanced around the team and sighed when she didn’t see Melissa. At least one thing had gone right today. The ratings, however, told her that this was going to be an uphill struggle. They’d been good. Twelve million people had tuned in for the premiere, but they’d lost almost half of the audience after the first hour.
    Why had they lost interest? Rick was a good guy. And a good-looking one to boot. He charmed not only the contestants but the audience. What had happened to make things fizzle? Was Devon right and the Goody Two-shoes act couldn’t keep interest?
    She made sure the losing team hit the showers first, then turned to talk to her winners. Well, Rick’s winners. They still celebrated as she approached them and blew a whistle that made even the most ardent hockey fan wince. “Congratulations, ladies. Each of you has made it to the next phase of the competition. We’re going to go over the schedule for the next few days. Then Rick will come over and offer his congratulations.”
    A hand shot up in the back. “Will there be immunity challenges all season?”
    Elizabeth smiled. Obviously a fan of the show. “Yes. Rick will form favorites during the next few weeks, but this is to be a competition where hearts are at stake.” Man, that sounded cheesy. Like reading from her own promotional copy. She cleared her throat. “After showers and changing, we’ll meet at Rick’s diner for an early dinner. You’ll have free time until Tuesday night’s group date. One lucky woman will have the first one-on-one date with Rick Monday afternoon. A box will arrive with her name tomorrow.”
    She started marking off items with her pen. “Feel free to use your off time to get to know the area. After all, you could end up married to Rick and living here. I have a list of church services if anyone is interested. Also lists of restaurants and shops. A shuttle will be available for a shopping trip tomorrow afternoon. Sign up on the board in the kitchen. Any other questions?”
    Seeing no hands, she turned and motioned to Rick, who joined them on the field. He grinned widely and gave high fives to the victors. “That was a great game. Now huddle up.” He motioned for them all to come in shoulder to shoulder and place their hands in the center. “On three, we’ll shout ‘True love.’ Okay? One. Two. Three.”
    “True love!”
    Even Elizabeth warmed.

    R ICK DOUBLE - CHECKED his ski equipment and waited. There was always a lot of waiting when filming a television show, even if the shoot took place on a snow-covered hill at the ski resort one town over. This one-on-one date plan had been Lizzie’s. His choice had been tickets to a Detroit Pistons game, but this was still good. He liked skiing. Usually.
    A woman dressed in pink attempted to ski toward him,

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