The Redwood Rebel (The Redwood War Book 1)

The Redwood Rebel (The Redwood War Book 1) by Lorna George Page B

Book: The Redwood Rebel (The Redwood War Book 1) by Lorna George Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lorna George
means, you may certainly try. If you wish for me to write a statement of what has passed to relieve you of any guilt that may be directed towards yourself, I will do it gladly. Otherwise, I don’t see what further business we have, and my time is incredibly valuable.’
    The surprised expression he wore twisted then into abhorrence. ‘That is the most I have heard you speak, and it was by far the worst sentiment you could have expressed. Did it mean nothing to you?’
    She almost felt sorry for him.
    ‘Oh, gods. Do you want me to say that you moved the heavens for me? That I can’t sleep for thinking of you?’ She laughed humourlessly and shook her head. ‘No, Sire, I’m sorry. It meant nothing.’
    She had angered him, she knew she had, but she didn’t know what he expected her to say. The truth was kinder in the long run, and she was quickly running out of patience. His actions made no sense. What did he want with her? She watched him stalk back towards her and readied herself to defend if she needed. He stopped, but didn’t sit, and the smile on his face wasn’t a friendly one. Naomi met his gaze without fear.
    ‘Unfortunately for you, in Koren it means a great deal.’ He snatched her left wrist up, and spreading her fingers, slid something heavy and cold onto her fourth digit. ‘And despite what you may believe, my marital problems now have everything to do with you.’
    Staring at the all too familiar ring now on her wedding finger, the yellow diamond glittering almost as accusingly as King Arun’s eyes, she shook her head slowly. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing, couldn’t even begin to process it. He might as well have told her she was the Goddess Ager.
    ‘No, I don’t think so…’ She tried to take the ring off again, but his hands stopped her.
    ‘I’m sorry, but it’s true.’ He didn’t let go of her hand. ‘In Koren, our wedding ceremony takes place in the bedchamber. In private.'
    'That's your problem.' She dismissed his words easily, trying to tug her hands out of his. 'By my customs, it was just sex and you're married to Adrienne.'
    'That marriage was not consummated, as well you know,' he all but glowered at her as he spoke. 'Even with things in Koren so much different than here, that nullifies that problem, at least. As far as I’m concerned, I am married to the woman who shared my bed, and we both know that woman was you.'
    ‘Well, I’m not staying,’ she said with a shrug. ‘You just have to deal with that, I’m afraid.’
    ‘They forced you to do it.’ His voice was suddenly gentle as he retook his seat so he was no longer towering over her. ‘Used you as they planned to use me.’
    She scowled, annoyed by the implication that such an admission would somehow make everything better. ‘No one forced me to do anything. I had a choice.’
    It hadn’t been much of a choice, it was true, but she could have just as easily gone back to the dungeons to await death. He finally released her hand and she tried not to let her relief show.
    He crossed his arms and moved back slightly, contempt in his voice. ‘If they don’t give you all the information, can you still claim the choice was yours, I wonder?’
    Resisting the urge to immediately rip the ring off, she took a very deep breath and closed her eyes. Finding some semblance of composure, she sighed. ‘Look, I’m not trying to be difficult or insensitive to your predicament, but you have to understand that I did have the information I needed. Not to put too fine a point on it, but I expect the reason Cygnus didn’t mention your marriage ritual is because you were supposed to be dead by now. His harpies attacking you only confirms this. Your personal belief system had no bearing on anything under those circumstances.’
    ‘I’m supposed to thank you, is that it?’ Arun snarled.
    ‘No, I’d much rather you didn’t, actually,’ she admitted. ‘But I do think it’s worth some consideration, don’t you?’

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