The Redwood Rebel (The Redwood War Book 1)

The Redwood Rebel (The Redwood War Book 1) by Lorna George Page A

Book: The Redwood Rebel (The Redwood War Book 1) by Lorna George Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lorna George
    ‘A natural sleep would have been healthier,’ she quipped. ‘But thank you for your concern. I’ll be on my way, if that’s all?’
    The young King seemed to sag in on himself then. He rubbed his hands down his face and looked upwards as though praying for patience. ‘You very well know that isn’t all, and this will go a lot smoother if you would cooperate.’
    Naomi knew he was right. She was clearly not a prisoner, so what harm would it do for her to hear him out? Perhaps all he wanted was an explanation, and considering her own abhorrence at her part in the deception, she did owe him that.
    ‘Very well,’ she agreed, sitting up a little straighter in the bed. ‘How may I be of service to you, King Arun?’
    He looked startled by her sudden acceptance, then slightly uncomfortable. Leaning forwards, he laced his fingers together and something like a smile kicked at one corner of his mouth. ‘Just Arun, if you please.’
    Naomi said nothing, the informality reminding her far too strongly of things that she had no wish to think about any more than she had to.
    ‘Forgive me, but I think it’s best to be direct,’ he said. ‘I know you were the substitute used by Princess Adrienne two nights ago. I know it was you in my wedding chamber.’
    There was no point in denying it. An apology became lodged in her throat, stopped by the knowledge it was far too late and would sound hollow. She kept it to herself and nodded once. This reaction didn’t seem to please him, and Naomi almost felt the flash of anger her calmness evoked.
    ‘Are you sorry for your actions?’
    She sighed heavily and looked away from the irritation she could see ticking away behind his eyes. ‘That is an incredibly complicated question.’
    And it was. On the one hand she knew the virginity deal was important to Korenian culture, and she had essentially helped ruin that for him. On the other hand her freedom was priceless. Truly it wasn’t her problem, but she didn’t want to be any more disrespectful of his customs than she already had been. It was an unfortunate by-product of the situation, but she was sure that whoever he decided to marry after this fiasco wouldn’t be that concerned, not with the added bonus of being rich and powerful to boot. Maybe he would even be lucky enough to find someone that just loved him and didn’t care about any of that.
    ‘I am sorry for you,’ she admitted. ‘But I cannot regret the choice I made for myself.’
    ‘Do you even understand the damage your actions have caused?’ he growled, bringing her eyes back to him. She shrugged.
    ‘Honestly no, I don’t. Virginity isn’t a physical concept, not really, so I fail to see what difference it makes.’
    Coming from a culture where so-called “purity” on the marriage bed wasn’t of any great importance, she was having a hard time swallowing any of this. All she could think was that he was lucky he was still alive to try again.
    He looked at her in complete horror for a moment, then stood up quickly and began to pace. Naomi watched his erratic movements, wondering if she ought to explain her situation. It was none of his business, but maybe if he understood the choice she had faced, it might calm him somewhat. She quickly dismissed this idea. In truth, she had wronged him. No matter her reasons it would be nothing more than an excuse to him, and she didn’t want his pity or his censure. She would tell the stark truth and spare herself nothing.
    ‘Your Majesty, I mean this with all due respect, but given all that has happened to you the past few days, do you not think it for the best that you’re aware of the truth now?’
    Before she had finished speaking, he snapped back around to face her, shock heavy in his features. She sighed again. ‘I’m sorry if I’m being callous, but you have to understand that whatever my part in this was initially, your marital problems are your own. If you mean to punish me for my actions, then by all

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