The Recruit: Book One

The Recruit: Book One by Elizabeth Kelly

Book: The Recruit: Book One by Elizabeth Kelly Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elizabeth Kelly
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sticking out of his chest. Hannah
had raised the rebar as he attacked, and skewered him like a piece of shrimp.  He
gazed at her in shock as blood spurted out of his chest and coated her hands
and arms.
    Hannah screamed and shoved as hard as she could.  The rebar
slid through his chest like butter and as he fell back, he made a low gurgling
scream.  His body burst into ash and the other vampire looked up from where he
was feasting on Selena.
    “Bitch.”  It snarled and leaped on her.  Hannah screamed as
he sunk his fangs into the base of her neck and began to drink.  The door to
the bathroom burst open for a second time and a huge, snarling, wolf bounded
into the small bathroom. 
    The vampire looked up, his mouth ringed with Hannah’s blood,
and hissed like a cat.  He backed into the corner and hissed again as the wolf,
its fur standing up on its neck and its large sharp teeth glinting in the light,
growled menacingly.
    “I do not fear you, Lycan.”  The vampire spat.  He ran
towards the wolf, and with a loud howl of rage the wolf leaped forward.  It stood
up on its hind legs and with one swipe of its paw, tore the head off the
vampire.  The head tumbled to the ground and spun across the floor under the
stall, coming to rest next to the toilet.
    As the body burst into a fine, cloudy ash, the wolf dropped
to all fours and lifted its snout to the ceiling.  It howled loudly, the small
room nearly vibrating with the sound, and Hannah clapped her hands over her
ears, wincing.
    “No, please.”  She whispered as the wolf advanced towards
her.  Moaning, weak from blood loss, she sat up and pedaled frantically with
her feet, shoving her butt along the floor until her back hit the wall.
    “Please don’t.”  She breathed and closed her eyes as the
wolf stopped in front of her.  Its head was twice the size of hers and she
flinched when it snuffed at her neck, blowing the hair back from her face and
neck.  It surprised her by licking gently at her neck where the vampire had
bitten her, and she opened her eyes to see it staring at her.  Its yellow eyes
were strangely familiar. 
    “Will?”  She whispered.  He whined and she closed her eyes
    She opened her eyes and Will was squatting in front of her. 
“Honey, are you okay?”
    She nodded and let her eyes slip shut. The adrenaline was
draining from her body, and she felt cold and weak.  He patted her cheek
lightly.  “Open your eyes.”
    “Tired.”  She whispered.
    “I know honey, but I need you to look at me.”
    She forced her eyelids up and stared at him. 
    “We need to leave.  Can you stand?”
    She nodded and he helped her to her feet.  She staggered and
he braced her against his naked body. 
    “Oh my God.”  She whispered when she saw the small, crumpled
figure on the floor next to the door.  “Selena!  Will – help her!”
    He left her leaning against the wall and crouched next to
Selena, his fingers looking for her pulse.  He looked at Hannah and she could
have sobbed with relief when he smiled.
    “She’s still alive.”
    He stood as the door opened and Jeremy, bleeding heavily
from a gash on his forehead, stumbled into the room.  “Hannah!  Hannah – are
you okay?”
    She nodded as he ran to her and cupped her shoulders.  “Oh
thank God.”  He whispered and kissed her forehead.  “There was a werewolf.  It
ran in here.”
    He looked behind him as Will picked up Selena.  He handed
her off to Jeremy who took her with a soft grunt.
    Jeremy studied Will for a moment.  “You’re the werewolf.”
    Will didn’t answer him.  Instead, he crossed the room and
picked up Hannah.  She clung to him, burying her face in his neck and breathing
in his familiar scent
    He left the bathroom and Hannah opened her eyes, her breath
catching in her throat at the carnage surrounding them.  There were dead bodies
littered everywhere.  Not a single person outside of their group had survived
the attack, and

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