The Reason

The Reason by Marley Gibson

Book: The Reason by Marley Gibson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marley Gibson
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didn't think the flowers would bloom this early. Where am I? Am I still in town?
    No ... I'm at the beach. A beautiful white beach. The water is the color of a swimming pool, and the sand looks like grains of sugar. Where is this beach and how did I get here? I touch my toe into the foamy surf and find the water clean and cool to the touch. Slowly, I draw myself into the ocean and sit, feeling the liquid surround me with loving arms, lapping at my bare feet. The smell of salt tickles my nose and I'm hungry for a gigantic seafood dinner. Mmm ... flounder, scallops, shrimp, and lobster.
    Over to the left, a school of dolphins frolic in the water, breaking the surface with their fins and tails as if to welcome me, then diving down into the crystal water. I reach out to the precious babies—okay, they're babies to me—but they're too far away. Their elegance and grace astounds me as I feel my heart pound away in my chest with excitement and glee. This is the most relaxing and happy place I've ever been in my life. There's not a care in the world. I'm safe. I'm secure. But where is here?
    Have I died?
    Ouch! Who just hit me?
    And now with the shaking?
    What's going on? Who's...?
    "Kendall! Come back to us!" Loreen shouts.
    I slowly open my eyes and squint into the flashlight Celia is beaming into my face. "Shit, Celia ... thanks for blinding me."
    "Are you okay, Kendall?" she asks. Her brows are knit together in worry.
    Someone's rubbing my forehead, petting me, almost. A big, strong hand. Of course, it's Jason.
    He glares down at me, rage steaming off him. "I swear to God, Kendall. Don't you
frickin' do that again!"

Chapter Ten
    "D ON'T DO
AGAIN ?" I manage to ask, my throat dry and achy.
    Celia looks like she's just come off a roller-coaster ride. "Holy crappity-crap, Kendall—you just channeled a spirit!"
    Shiitake on a shingle. I did what?
    Loreen moves closer. "Are you okay, hon?"
    The fog surrounding my brain starts to lift and I feel myself coming out of some sort of trance. Celia's about to smack me again when my eyes pop wide open and connect with hers. "Enough with the abuse," I say with a slight giggle, trying to make light of whatever just happened.
    "Are you back, Kendall?" Loreen asks with great distress.
    "Did I go somewhere?" Oh, wait ... wasn't I at the beach? That was merely a dream though ... wasn't it? I'm obviously going insane once and for all.
    "You were channeling, Kendall," Loreen explains to me. "Can you tell me what you remember?"
    Jason helps me sit up and I lean into his strong chest as he continues to hold me. I rub my head and try to re-create whatever went on. I tell Loreen and my friends about the peaceful beach and how I floated away.
    "I don't remember anything specific other than I just seemed to step back from myself."
    "How could you do that, Kendall?" Taylor asks. "You allowed a spirit to take hold of you!"
    Jason shakes me. "I'm serious as a heart attack. Don't
pull that again."
    "I didn't know I was doing it. I mean, I was talking to the spirit in my head and I guess I sort of gave it permission to use me."
    Loreen takes my hand and holds on tightly. "You did it, though, Kendall. You allowed the spirit to control you. I had no idea you were ready for that."
    Neither did I. Sweat dots my brow. I feel like I've been rode hard and put away wet. Sorry, horse term I picked up from watching the equestrian dressage during the last Olympics.
    What is wrong with me? I just channeled a frickin' dead person!
    Celia's still on her knees in front of me waving her hands to fan me. "I want to know all about it. Every single detail."
    "I-I was floating ... it was so peaceful and serene."
    Celia rolls her eyes. "That's all you're giving me?"
    I explain what I experienced, but I want to know what was happening while I was ... er ... away.
    Taylor pulls her Sony camcorder from her lap. "I've got it all recorded."
    Jason rubs my head. "Are you sure you want to see this?You sort of

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