The Raven's Moon
know where he is?" Rowan asked sharply.
    "Nay. But he sent a letter," Anna said. "He needs our help."
    "He has no right to ask," Rowan growled.
    "Oh, he does," Anna said. "For Jamie."
    "His son," Anna said. "Alec wants us to fetch him."
    "His son?" Rowan felt as if a lead ball had slammed into his gut. "I thought the child died with Maggie."
    "No," his grandmother said. "Jamie, he's called. He's over two now. Strong and bonny, a dark and lovely lad."
    Rowan turned a stony glance to the fire.
    "Alec has a bastel house nearby," Jock said. "He handfasted to a lass some months ago to help raise the bairn. He knew the laddie was a handful for your grandmother."
    "No handful, that wee angel. But Alec chose poorly. The lass has a good heart, but she is no woman for this life."
    "Where is the child now?" Rowan asked.
    "With Alec," Anna said. "After Alec fled, I went to his house and found the lass and bairn were gone too. She followed Alec into the hills. She should have come here."
    "A man came to our door last week," Jock said. "Lang Will Croser, he's called. He brought word from Alec. The lass fled and left the bairn wi' Alec. So now Alec wants us to fetch him."
    "Now that you are here, you can go fetch him." Anna smiled at Rowan.
    "I cannot go off to coddle a bairnie. I have duties here as deputy. Alec made this cursed maze of his life, and he can sort this out himself."
    "He betrayed you in the lowest way a brother can do," Jock said. "But his wee lad is your nephew. And our great-grandson. I want the lad fetched here."
    "Let Alec find a nursemaid wherever he is."
    "Alec sent word that the lad is in danger," Jock growled.
    Rowan glanced up sharply. "How so?"
    "Alec is a broken man now, an outlaw," Jock answered. "The English want him in their custody. Lang Will said the English warden is looking for the child in hopes of flushing out the father. They mean to find the bairn and take him hostage."
    "A pledge against Alec's good behavior?" Rowan asked. "That is Scots law, not English."
    "Aye," Jock answered. "They will not pledge wi' signed papers and agreements. They will take him and hold him hostage for Alec's surrender. The lad could be harmed."
    "Even if Alec gives himself to the law to protect his son, we might not see our Jamie again," Anna said. "The English keep hostages for years and years."
    "No Blackdrummond Scott will be raised in England," Jock growled.
    "I am English," Anna reminded him.
    "Aye, and you taught our lads your English instead of good braw Scots, and you gave them clerky skills. But they are Scotts and Scotsmen. Alec's laddie will not be English!"
    Anna looked at Rowan. "You fetch our Jamie," she said. "Bring him back to his kin."
    "I'll ride wi' ye," Sandie said. "We'll give 'em a taste o' Blackdrummond law, hey!"
    Rowan felt heat fill his face. He felt his grandfather's hard stare as well. He sighed. Maggie's child. He steeled his jaw against the thought. His own hope of a wife and family had been shattered when Maggie had wed Alec soon after Rowan was put in English confinement. The shock of that betrayal lingered in his heart. And here they sat, talking of Maggie's child.
    Alec's child. Rowan clenched his fist in silence, aware that his grandparents and Sandie watched him.
    He sighed again. "Where is this bairn?"
    "In the Debatable Land," Jock said.
    "Jesu," Rowan muttered. "You expect me to ride through that nest of vipers to fetch a babe in arms?"
    "He's no babe in arms. He can run, and has several words now," Anna said proudly. "And he's taught to the jordan pot."
    "What a fine riding comrade," he drawled. "This is madness."
    "Sandie will go wi' you," Jock said.
    "He knows less of bairns than I do."
    "Jamie knows him," Anna said.
    Rowan nodded. "Very well. But first I need to fetch back my horse and gear. And meet with Simon Kerr."
    "You must hasten," Anna said.
    "He's the Black Laird," Sandie said, grinning. "He'll have his gear back and take down the Lincraig riders in but an hour. He'll

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