The Rancher’s Royal Bride (BBW Romance - Billionaire Brothers 4)

The Rancher’s Royal Bride (BBW Romance - Billionaire Brothers 4) by Jenn Roseton

Book: The Rancher’s Royal Bride (BBW Romance - Billionaire Brothers 4) by Jenn Roseton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jenn Roseton
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    The bacon spat, startling her. Turning her attention to the pan, she served up two platefuls of the tempting dish, and placed them on the small kitchen table.
    Ellie chatted to him about the touristy things they could do that weekend as they enjoyed their breakfast. After she finished her bacon and eggs, she made coffee for both of them from the machine Logan had given her.
    “Why don’t we do whatever you want?” he suggested, helping her with the dishes.
    “But don’t you want to visit Georgetown or Arlington House or Mount Vernon?”
    “All I want to do is spend time with you, Ellie. It doesn’t matter to me what we do today.”
    Her heart skipped a beat at his words. “In that case, how about horse-back riding?”
    “You’re on.” His lips tugged upwards. “And we could have lunch at that place we went to last week.”
    She suppressed a smile at his hopeful tone. Obviously he liked a good hamburger.
    “Sure.” She had to admit, she enjoyed them too, even if a burger with all of the fixings wasn’t exactly helpful to her waistline. But the horse-back riding would help burn off her lunch calories, she assured herself, especially if she skipped the fries.
    To Ellie’s regret, the day seemed to pass in no time at all. After she and Logan enjoyed an hour at the stables, she took him to the same cozy café they patronized last week. And she virtuously refused fries with her burger, although when Logan offered her some of his, she didn’t have the will power to say no.
    After lunch, she took him to Bon Air Park, her pulse fluttering when he took her hand as they strolled through the rose garden, his thumb occasionally rubbing over her fingers, sparking her nerve endings.
    When they returned to her apartment, he announced, “I’m taking you out for dinner tonight at The Blanc Goose.”
    Ellie stared at him. “That’s a really fancy place .” She cast him a worried look. “I think you’ll need to wear a tie.”
    He chuckled. “I brought one with me. And a decent suit.” He took a step toward her and gently brushed back her hair. “Don’t worry. I want you to enjoy yourself.”
    She leaned into the caress, wishing he would kiss her. She wasn’t greedy. Just one kiss would do … for now. But as she gazed into his dark brown eyes burning with molten heat, she couldn’t find the words. And somehow, she just couldn’t will herself to stand on tiptoes and take the initiative.
    “I … better get ready.” She couldn’t help her breathless tone.
    He stepped back, releasing her. “I’ll be here.”
    Ellie tried not to take too long in the small bathroom, conscious that Logan would need to use it too. Would he kiss her this evening? Would he do more than kiss her? Would he sleep in her bed tonight? Those three questions ran on an endless loop in her mind as she took a quick shower and slipped into her best gown, a classic little black dress - well, maybe not so little since it had to cover her curves - but a dress that somehow flattered her figure and made her curves look like something to be desired, instead of despaired over.
    She brushed her hair until it shone, wishing she could do something clever with a curling iron she didn’t even own. Perhaps she should buy one? And practice a lot?
    She sprayed a burst of luxury perfume into the air, then walked through it. Her mother had given it to her as a gift last week, and now the room was fragranced with the heady scent of roses, similar to the roses in the park this afternoon. Would Logan like the fragrance? Would he even notice it?
    “Ready.” She stepped into the living room. While she’d been busy primping, Logan had taken a shower. He looked incredible in a smart gray suit with a matching gray and blue striped silk tie.
    He took her breath away.
    “You look … ” He stared at her as if he were a drowning man and she was a mermaid and his only hope of salvation. “Beautiful,” he finished hoarsely.
    She tried to stem the

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