The Rancher's Bride

The Rancher's Bride by Dina Chapel

Book: The Rancher's Bride by Dina Chapel Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dina Chapel
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looked dejected. Frank knew she had worked hard on the whole meal.
    “Leave it for now,” Frank stated evenly, “and come with me.” He reached for Marie’s hand.
    She shot him a quizzical look, but took his hand all the same. They strode through to the parlor, where Jack and Henry played on the rug.
    “You boys playin’ nice with one another?”
    They both nodded at Frank. “Yes, sir.” Jack spoke for them both as usual.
    “I’d like both you boys to stay in this room until I come back down. Is that understood?”
    Again, Jack answered for both. “Yes, sir.”
    With that, Frank headed for the stairs, pulling Marie along behind him, and Jack and Henry resumed the game they had been playing when Frank and Marie had first entered the room. Frank headed straight for their room, entered and closed the door behind him. He walked over to the bed, sat down and immediately pulled her down over his lap.
    “Frank, please—what did I do?”
    Frank answered with one very hard wallop to her upturned backside. “I don’t want to hear one more word out of you, girl.” Frank held her firmly in place but didn’t spank her again. “You’ll listen, nothing more. And you’ll take the spankin’ you’re about to get without any more fuss.”
    Frank raised her skirt and bunched it at the small of her back. Then he quickly pulled down her drawers and began spanking Marie’s bare behind with no further preamble.
    He walloped her backside with grim determination. He was going to impress upon her the need for her to follow his rules if he had to spank her every night. “If you disobey me, I will spank you.” Frank lectured while his hand did its worst to her bare skin. “Every time. Without fail. You disobeyed me today by goin’ out to that barn when I told you to stay in the house. I had a good reason for tellin’ you that and you don’t need that explained. I might not always have the time to explain my rules.” Frank shifted her forward and went to work on her thighs then.
    Marie began to cry.
    “All you need to know is to mind me. That’s all.” Frank stopped for a moment. “If’n you don’t mind, well, then you’ll have trouble sittin’ for supper.”
    “I will not be disobeyed in my own home. And especially not by my wife. I can’t keep you safe if I can’t be certain that you’ll mind me. You’ll do as I tell you, is that clear?” Frank lifted Marie from his lap then and she nodded to indicate that she understood. But when she reached down to pull up her undergarments; he put out a hand to stop her. “Fetch me that hairbrush from the bureau.”
    Marie didn’t move, just turned and looked at the brush that sat atop the dresser. Then she turned back to look at Frank and slowly shook her head. “Wh-what for?” Marie’s voice was shaky.
    “Not another word and I mean it.” Frank turned her quickly to the side and landed one very hard spank on her reddened behind.
    Marie cried.
    “You’ll hand me that brush if’n you know what’s good for you.”
    Marie turned and took the few short steps to the bureau, shuffling as she went since her drawers were bunched around her ankles. She grabbed the hairbrush, returning to the same spot—between Frank’s knees—and handing the brush off to Frank.
    Frank didn’t waste any time getting Marie back over his lap, only this time he had placed her over his left leg with her upper body laid on the bed. He then placed his right leg firmly over both of hers so she couldn’t move at all. She couldn’t squirm and she couldn’t kick. She was well and truly trapped over Frank’s knee.
    The way Frank held her legs down with his free leg left Marie having to just submit to his punishment. Marie was crying into the coverlet and gripping and ungripping it.
    And Frank made sure to cover every inch of skin on Marie’s backside with the back of that brush. The skin was a dark red with purplish spots in certain areas. He knew that she had probably had enough, but, just

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