The Principles Of Lust

The Principles Of Lust by Sasha White Page B

Book: The Principles Of Lust by Sasha White Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sasha White
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just tolerance because he thinks you’re crazy? He has been in and out of here for the past two weeks, he’s seen your moods.”
    “Crazy is the way your husband looks at you!” Teal threw a handful of Styrofoam peanuts at her friend. “And my moods haven’t been that bad. It’s just a bit stressful getting this gallery ready to open in less than a month.”
    Brina cocked her head to the side. “Tell me again why someone with no experience in art what-so-ever decided to open an art gallery?”
    “I don’t need to know art for this particular gallery. I know everything there is to know about desire, hidden and otherwise.” Teal arched an eyebrow at her friend. “That includes what lust looks like, even in its subtlest form.”  
    “If you’re so sure of his attraction why don’t you just ask him out?”
    Teal turned back to the crate in front of her so she didn’t have to look at her friend. She hated to admit it, but even though Zach’s hard to get act just made her want him more, she didn’t want to ask him out first. It was silly, but it felt like, if she did that, she’d be giving him the upper hand. And that was something she didn’t like.
    She tried to think of a way to explain that to her friend as she reached into the crate and dug past the packing. She grasped the bronze sculpture within, and lifted it out, scattering the little peanuts everywhere and her jaw dropped. “Wow.”
    “You’re not kidding.” Brina Jo hopped off the table she’d been sitting on and stepped forward for a closer look. “That is…”
    “Amazing,” Teal finished for her.
    “That’s one way to put it. Are you really going to display it?”
    Teal set the sculpture down on the table to her left. She wiped a dust cloth over it lovingly, taking in every detail. It was a couple making love. The female stretched out on her side with the male on his knees, straddling one of her legs while cradling the foot of the other against his shoulder. She was spread completely open. Her head was thrown back, her expression one of pure ecstasy. There was nothing hidden to the viewer as the man plunged his cock into her. And his cock was as lovingly crafted as her sex.
    Teal turned the sculpture around and found it beautiful from every angle. Every curve and crevice detailed to the point that her own sex clenched in anticipation of being filled.  
    Brina’s voice broke the spell that had fallen over Teal and she pulled her hands away from the bronze couple. “Hmmm?”
    “You’re not really going to display that in the main room?”
    Teal looked at her friend. “Of course I am. Why wouldn’t I?”
    “It’s very… it’s so…” Brina Jo waved her hand about.
    Teal watched her friends cheeks flush as she searched for the right word. “Erotic?” Teal finally took pity on her.
    Brina Jo planted her hands on her ample hips and rolled her eyes. “Yes, erotic. But blatantly so.”
    “Well, that’s what Lush is for. I want it to showcase the erotic art that normal galleries think is too ‘out there’ or ‘too edgy’. I can’t call it an erotic art gallery and then hide the most erotic pieces in the corner.”
    “True, but you know you’re going to take some flack for it right?”
    Teal shrugged. “I’m prepared. Plus, I know that sex and sexuality is a huge part of human nature, even if some people like to pretend it isn’t. I’m banking on a lot of people getting more turned on by these things than they thought possible.” Teal smirked at her friend. “Just like you.”  
    “What?” She laughed. “You going to tell me you’re going to go home to Doug after handling all these and not want to try this position out?”
    Brina Jo’s lovely chocolate eyes glittered and she bit her lip. “That’s beside the point.”
    “No, Brina baby, that is exactly the point.”


    Zach desperately wanted to have one of the cold beers waiting patiently in his fridge when he got out of

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