The Price of Trust
    "Good-bye," she called sweetly, waving.
    The next morning, Carly was up and ready way before Kelly came to get her. She had been unable to sleep very well the night before. She was apprehensive about the day. How would Joe treat her? Would his parents act differently toward her?
    Finally, she spied Kelly's uncle's truck in the street below. Grabbing her denim jacket, she ran out to meet her. "Good morning," she said as she climbed into the passenger seat.
    Kelly backed out and started toward the Bairds' farm. "Good morning! Did you sleep well?"
    "I slept like garbage. I just couldn't seem to concentrate on sleeping because I was worrying about what to expect today."
    "Everything will be fine. Did you eat breakfast?"
    "I had some applesauce." Carly was self-conscious. Since she'd left Ian, she'd had to eat very differently. She couldn't afford the expensive foods that she had become accustomed to, and she didn't want to spend any more money than she had to.
    Kelly looked over at her in surprise. "Is that going to be enough? We're going to be out all day."
    Carly smiled amiably. "I'll be fine. That's all I usually eat for breakfast. So how did you sleep?" she asked, changing the subject.
    "I slept wonderful. I love it when Todd asks me to help with the horses. We ride all day, have a picnic by the pond, skip stones, and just talk. Joe usually comes with us, but he's a little quiet and stays to himself quite a bit."
    "How come Joe goes?" Carly asked, surprised that Todd would allow a chaperone if he could get away without one.
    "I ask him to go. If I'm out alone with Todd, that's just a reason for people to talk, so I always ask Joe to go with us. Todd doesn't mind either. They talk rough to each other sometimes, but they're best friends."
    They talked agreeably for the rest of the ride. As they got closer, Carly became more quiet and reserved.
    There were lights on in the kitchen when they pulled into the driveway.
    "Kelly, why did I let you talk me into this?" Carly whispered, so nervous she could hardly breathe.
    "You'll be okay. You're with people who care about you and like you. You're going to have a good day, I promise." She got out of the truck and started walking to the porch before she realized Carly hadn't gotten out yet. She waited for her. Carly opened the door reluctantly and stepped out.
    Todd swung the door open, smiling broadly before they had the chance to knock. "Good morning," he called as he gave Kelly a hug. "Carly! I'm glad you could make it. It's been a long time since we've seen you. Come on in."
    She muttered a quiet "good morning" and "thanks" as she followed them into the kitchen. She smiled shyly at Joe, who was seated at the breakfast table. He beamed.
    "Good morning, girls," called Penny as she prepared dough for biscuits. "How are you this morning?"
    "Great!" was Kelly's exuberant reply.
    "Here, Carly, have a seat. Sorry we're not ready to go. We got up late, and we haven't had breakfast yet. Would you two like some?" Joe said kindly as he pulled out a chair for her.
    "Oh yes please," Kelly cried out. "Carly only had some applesauce this morning. She might get hungry." Carly blushed with embarrassment.
    "Only some applesauce?" asked Penny in surprise. "That's why you're so thin, you poor thing. You're staying for breakfast, and that's not a question. That's a command." She laughed, waving a doughy hand at her.
    "Thank you, but I'd feel better about it if I could help you with something," Carly said, putting her jacket on the back of a chair.
    "Me too," chimed in Kelly.
    "I don't think you should let Carly help, Mom. I remember the last time she was here she said she could only make macaroni and cheese, and that doesn't sound so good for breakfast," Joe teased.
    "I said that's about the only thing I've been able to make," she retorted.
    "Is there a difference?"
    "Yes!" she said playfully. "What can I do to help?" she asked as she washed her hands.
    "You're a dear. You can fry the bacon and

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