The Power Billionaire: The Complete Series (BBW Erotic Romance Trilogy)
“We were notified of suspicious money transfers from a bank in Arizona to several offshore accounts belonging to corporations registered in Panama. We backtraced the transactions to entities belonging to Mr. Grayson Holmes.”
    “We’re all aware of this,” Rebecca said. “I have all the bank account numbers if you want to verify. We asked Mr. Holmes to route that money.”
    At that, James threw his head back. It was like he had just been on the receiving end of an uppercut. To be proven wrong in public was devastating to him. This is what kept me from mouthing I told you so .
    Rebecca slid a folder across the table to the two members of a Homeland Security.
    “The material before you is Eyes Only, top secret SCI level,” the senior CIA man barked. “None of this leaves this room.”
    “Of course.”
    Rebecca took over. “As part of Operation Majestic Thunder, reference number 71967-AN35, we are trying to draw out insurgent elements based in Indonesia. They have links with terrorist cells in Yemen and Qatar. The mission’s operational goal is to establish a fake terror network. Once it’s set up, we’ll have the terrorists fighting each other thinking they are actually us, the Western powers.”
    James and his superior followed along by looking at the paperwork in the file.
    “That’s…” Wiepert began, shaking her head. “That’s devious.”
    “We’re paid to be devious. Our objective is to fight a proxy war against terrorists. We’ll have them doing the dirty work for us. No American lives will be lost, not anymore. We needed clean money with no ties to the U.S. government and so it was suggested by Senator Holmes, who is on the Select Committee on Intelligence, to speak with his son, a true patriot.”
    “If funneling $10 million can help protect my country, well, it’s the least I can do.”
    “If you look at page 7, you’ll see authorizations from DOD and the Director of Central Intelligence for these transactions.”
    “So we need you to drop this investigation, please,” Bozzelli said. “We’ll arrange it so a drug smuggler gets linked to one of the offshore accounts so you can have something to show for your time and efforts. Also, it won’t appear as if you’re just abandoning an ongoing investigation. Can we count on you to help us out?”
    After a moment, Wiepert nodded. “Of course. Interagency cooperation is mandatory these days.”
    James turned to her as if he’d been stung. “But…”
    “You have our full cooperation,” she added. “From all our agents.”
    “Great!” Rebecca said, standing up to signify the meeting was over.
    We all climbed to our feet and said goodbye. We filed out of the room, Grayson and I closing the ranks. I couldn’t believe I had heard all that. I had been a lowly secretary for a decade and now I was hearing about secret government operations? It was surreal.
    On the one hand, I was relieved that Grayson had been telling the truth about not being really involved in terrorism. I trusted him implicitly but doubt was a dangerous thing. Now my mind was at ease. On the other hand however, this seemed dangerous. What if the terrorists learned the truth? What if they came after him?
    I watched James walking ahead of us. He was clearly mad. He had been bamboozled, as Grandma Edna would say. His pride was hurt and I was afraid he would do something rash.
    Right then came my worst nightmare.

    Chapter 4
    James broke free from his boss and walked back toward me. I had no choice but to stop. He looked between Grayson and me but didn’t say a word yet. I knew what he wanted.
    “Grayson, can you give us a minute?”
    He glared at the federal agent for a second longer than necessary and then continued walking down the hall. He disappeared around the corner.
    “What do you want, James?”
    “Come stay with me, Merrin.”
    “Excuse me?”
    “All right, so rich boy is cleaner than a new diaper after all, but I still don’t

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