The Pleasures of Summer

The Pleasures of Summer by Evie Hunter Page B

Book: The Pleasures of Summer by Evie Hunter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Evie Hunter
Tags: Romance
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‘No, I’m fine, thanks.’
    Highwayman ignored her. ‘I noticed that she hasn’t played all night.’ Was there a flicker of suspicion in his eyes?
    She pressed closer to Flynn. Surely he wouldn’t let anyone touch her.
    ‘Your choice, pet,’ Flynn said. ‘Would you like to play with me or Peter?’
    What? This wasn’t what she had expected. She glaredfrom one to the other while Flynn grinned at her. She was going to kill him for this. Kill him stone dead and scatter his body parts over the manure heap.
    Summer unclenched her teeth and forced the words out. ‘Please, Sir, would you like to spank me?’
    Highwayman gestured at Flynn. ‘In that case, go for it, sir. I love watching you in action.’
    ‘Of course.’ Before she could blink, Flynn had caught her around the waist and flipped her so that she was ass-upwards over his knee. Instinctively, she put her hands down on the carpet to balance herself. Her toes barely reached the ground, but Flynn’s strong arm held her securely in position.
    Almost before she could register her position, his hand flashed down in a series of quick spanks. It stung, bright and hot. She wanted to yell in outrage, but the sound of his hand hitting her latex dress was shockingly loud and attracted the attention of everyone in the room. If she called him the names she wanted to, everyone would notice.
    She set her teeth and silently vowed to kill him.
    A dozen spanks later, he let her up and helped her to her feet. ‘What do you say?’ The unholy grin on his face showed he knew her dilemma.
    ‘Thank you, Master.’ Killing was too good for him. She was going to have him tortured for eternity.
    ‘You may rub.’
    On those words, the heat in her rear end blossomed and she couldn’t help rubbing to relieve it. Oh yeah, the man was mincemeat.
    Highwayman tipped his tricorne to her, and departed.
    ‘He’s gone. You can stop pretending now,’ she told Flynn
    His demeanour had changed too. Gone was the playful Dom. The efficient bodyguard who despised his principal was back. ‘Why? Isn’t this what you wanted? Some cheap titillation for a bored little rich girl.’
    ‘It wasn’t like that,’ she snapped. ‘Molly and I have been planning this for months.’ She had said too much. She could almost see Flynn filing that particular piece of information away for later.
    ‘What was it that you wanted?’ His eyes raked the minuscule dress. ‘A chance to dress up like a tart? Being a Saturday night submissive so that you could gossip with the girls over Sunday brunch?’
    That was it, she’d had enough. Summer tugged the leash from his hand and stood up. Ignoring his order to halt she hurried through the club and into the lobby. The cloakroom lady was back on duty, returning coats and bags to those who were ready to call it a night. Still fuming from her encounter with Flynn, she handed over her ticket and grabbed her coat and bag.
    She was in a part of the city she didn’t know well. She didn’t have enough cash to take a taxi home, even if she could get any driver to take her, and she could hardly get a room in a decent hotel in the middle of the night dressed like this. Damn. Damn. Damn.
    Flynn appeared in the lobby. The kilt and white shirt were gone. In their place were jeans and a leather jacket. A dark T-shirt stretched across his chest. ‘Do you need a ride?’
    His knowing smirk was the last straw.
    ‘No, thank you. I’d rather walk.’ Ignoring his laughter,she stormed out of the club. She would find her own way home.
    An unseasonable rainstorm had made the night sky even darker. The side street was longer and gloomier than she remembered. Her heels clicked noisily on the wet pavement, the sound echoing against the shuttered buildings. A Jeep drove past on the narrow street, sending a wash of rainwater onto the pavement. Within seconds, her feet were soaked.
    Up ahead, the scaffolding of a renovation project blocked the path. She would have to walk on the road.

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