The Pint-Sized Secret

The Pint-Sized Secret by Sherryl Woods Page A

Book: The Pint-Sized Secret by Sherryl Woods Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sherryl Woods
Tags: And Baby Makes Three
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put your calls through,” Brianna said.
    “I don’t like to use my clout,” he said. “Especially when the call is strictly personal.”
    “But you have no qualms about using a bribe?”
    “Nope,” he said unrepentantly. “Absolutely none.” He headed for the door. “See you in the morning.”
    Brianna stared at the door for a long time after he’d closed it behind him. It had only been a little over a week since the first time he’d popped into her office, and already she was starting to look forward to the unexpected treats, the surprise visits. She was in over her head, all right. Way over her head.

    For the next few weeks, Jeb wormed his way into Brianna’s life. Quite simply, he wore her down. He could tell that she quickly tired of saying no, so he gave her dozens of opportunities to say yes. He popped into her office for midmorning coffee breaks, lured her out for lunches. He even managed to get her to go for a long walk, though she stubbornly refused to lace up sneakers and run with him.
    He tried his darnedest to get inside her head, to figure out what made her tick, but there was always a part of herself she held aloof. It remained as mysterious as that locked room, and kept him from ever fully trusting that what they had was real in any way that mattered. Being on the receiving end of the same kind of treatment he was known for doling out was darned frustrating. Now he knew why women hated it.
    It also made him more determined than ever to break down the barriers between them. Getting her to agree to go to dinner seemed like a good place to start. What kind of relationship could be built on stolen moments? He wanted a whole evening, just for the two of them. It became as much a cause as the investigation that had started all this.
    Four weeks after he’d started seeing Brianna, Jeb finally saw his chance. She was going out of town on business, a four-day trip that would take her away from Houston and whatever demands there were on her time. Jeb decided to tag along, though he didn’t mention the fact to her until they were at the airport, where she had assumed he intended only to drop her off. When he headed instead for a parking lot, she stared at him.
    “You’re going in?”
    “Actually, I’m going with you,” he said cheerfully, keeping his attention riveted on the road.
    “Excuse me?”
    “I haven’t been to London in ages. I thought we could see a couple of plays while we’re there, maybe even take an extra day or two and drive to Cornwall. Have you ever been?”
    He could all but feel the heat of her anger radiating in his direction.
    “Jeb,” she began, her voice tight. “This is a business trip, not a vacation. I have a conference to attend, along with some very important meetings.”
    “You won’t be working twenty-four hours a day.”
    “Close to it,” she protested. “This is a very bad idea. What will people think if they discover that the boss’s son is tagging around after me?”
    “Do you honestly care what people think?”
    “When it comes to my professional reputation, I certainly do. I can’t imagine why you thought I’d go along with you on this.”
    Jeb decided to pull rank. He glanced over and met her furious gaze evenly. “Because my father approved it.”
    Her expression faltered. “He did?”
    “He said it would be good for you to take a break. We have his blessing to stay as long as we like.”
    “Dammit, I can’t stay,” she protested.
    “Can’t or won’t?”
    “It doesn’t really matter. The bottom line is, I have to get back as quickly as my business is wrapped up. That means putting in as much time as it takes to get it done.”
    Jeb pulled into a parking space, cut the engine, then slowly turned to look at her. “Is it always going to be this way? Are you going to squash any attempt I make to get closer to you?”
    She seemed genuinely shocked by the accusation. “That’s not what I’m doing. The last few weeks have been

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