The Perfect Wife

The Perfect Wife by Victoria Alexander

Book: The Perfect Wife by Victoria Alexander Read Free Book Online
Authors: Victoria Alexander
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    “Hmmm?” The warm flesh beneath his lips seemed subtly cooler.
    “Why did you have me investigated?”
    The chill in her voice penetrated his haze of arousal and he drew back, perplexed. Her eyes gleamed in the moonlight.
    “I see nothing unusual in it. My son is to marry your daughter, after all. Naturally, I would be concerned about the girl and her family.”
    Sabrina untangled herself from his arms and stepped back. “And just what did your inquiries tell you about my daughter and myself?”
    He stared, trying to make out her expression in the dim light. “Nothing out of the ordinary, I assure you. You have lived a relatively conservative life since your husband’s death, retiring to the country after his demise for a more than respectable period of mourning. You are well received, although not overly involved socially. There have been a number of offers for your hand through the years, but the names of only three men have appeared in the betting book at White’s as serious contenders for your affection. And you appear well suited financially. Hardly earth-shattering revelations. As to your marriage ...” He shrugged. “I had no need of an investigation for that. The activities you and Stanford engaged in are well known; bordering, I might add, on the level of legend.”
    Indignation overrode relief at his words. He knew nothing of significance. She ignored the annoying thought that she had also made inquiries about him. Were his actions so very different from her own? He only did what he had to to protect his son, much as she had to protect her daughter. Was it the investigation itself or his conclusions that angered her? His words throbbed in her head.
    Dull, boring paragon of virtue.
    “Did my daughter live up to your expectations for a wife for your son?” A seed of an idea took root in the back of her mind.
    He nodded. “Of course.”
    Sabrina stepped to the rail and stared out over the sea. The idea burst into
full blossom. Absurd. Ridiculous. Disastrous. An irrevocable mistake.
    “And I gather I too lived up to your standards?”
    “Well, yes, I—”
    She whirled to face him. “Just what are your qualifications?”
    “My qualifications?” Confusion colored his words.
    “Your requirements?”
    “My requirements? I’m afraid I don’t quite understand.”
    “For the position,” she snapped. “For a countess. For your wife?”
    “My wife!” he sputtered. His reply was cautious. “Why, the same as any other man in my position, I would imagine. I need an accomplished hostess, capable of managing my household. I would prefer a woman of passing intelligence, one not difficult to look at, as well. And, naturally, someone with a spotless reputation and impeccable breeding.”
    Nicholas winced and Sabrina noted the expression with satisfaction. Even he could see how arrogant and selfish his admission was. It would serve him right if she took him up on his proposition.
    Dull, boring paragon of virtue.
    “I see.” Her voice rang controlled and calm. Far too calm. A fist clenched in the pit of his stomach. She paused, as if in thought. “You did not mention love or even affection, so I presume you want a relationship that allows you to continue to live your private life as you wish. With whomever you wish. You seem to be seeking a strictly public relationship, one for the sake of appearances only. A marriage of convenience.”
    “I hadn’t quite thought of it that way,” he said wryly.
    “Perhaps you should. And according to your investigations, with the exception of my somewhat scandalous marriage, I meet your qualifications?”
    “Why, yes, but—”
    “It sounds as though you’ve forgotten.” Cool surprise sounded in her voice. “Very well, then. I am not used to lauding my own accomplishments, but they are extensive. I have run my own household for many years and I am a polished hostess, well versed in the social niceties. I speak French quite well and know a smattering of

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