Book: THE OVERTON WINDOW by Glenn Beck Read Free Book Online
Authors: Glenn Beck
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Relations, and the Bilderberg Group, the Trilateral Commission, the Club of Rome—they all exist. And they are globalists; they’re wealthy and powerful beyond anything you can imagine. There are predators among them, absolutely ruthless people, but all of them together really do run things in this world, just like you say they do. There’s nothing secret about those societies, though. No hidden conspiracies: they do what they do right out in the open.
    “See, the place where I work is where all the secrets get told, because they have to tell us their secrets before we can hide them. But here’s theinteresting thing: Do you know why I’m not worried about sharing any of this with you? Because they’re not afraid of the American people anymore, and especially not you people. All they’ve got to do is keep you bickering among yourselves, overwhelmed with conflicting information, or fretting about conspiracies or hypnotized in front of the TV and the computer, or standing around here thinking you’re fighting back, and you’ll never even get close to doing them any harm.
    “There really is a New World Order on the way, but it isn’t new. It’s been coming for a long, long time. You let yourselves get distracted with a thousand conspiracy theories, but there’s only one truth at the heart of them all. George Carlin said it better than I can: Up at the very top, it’s a big club, and you’re not in it. They’ve got all the power, and you’ve got none of it.”
    “Like hell we don’t!” shouted a man in back.
    “Okay, okay, I think I know what you’re trying to say. If you could ever get enough voters together to do anything significant, you might have a shot. But that’s easy enough to deal with. Let me show you how.”
    Noah pointed out a particularly hefty man near the bar.
    “Can everybody read what it says on this guy’s T-shirt? You know, a shirt that was probably sewn in Bangladesh by a ten-year-old girl who worked sixteen hours that day? Turn around so we can see it, big guy; be proud of it. It says, ‘Born in the Jew S A.’
    “If he’s not already an infiltrator or an agent provocateur, then your enemies should hire him immediately. That guy is exactly why I’m not worried about telling you things that should be secrets: With him standing next to you, who’d ever believe a word you say? At every rally you hold, if you’re lucky enough to get the press to cover you at all, he’s the one guy who’ll get his picture on the front page. If you want to know why you can’t get any traction with the other ninety-seven percent of America, it’s because you let yourselves be lumped in with people like that.
    “Name-calling also works like a charm.” He pointed to a differentpatron with every smear that followed. “There’s a Birther, and a Truther, two Paulites, a John Bircher, a Freeper, a white supremacist, a pothead, three tea-partiers, and that guy there is the jackpot: a Holocaust denier. From there it’s easy to roll you all up together so that no one in their right mind would want to join you. Why would they? According to the network news, you’re all borderline-insane, ignorant, paranoid, uneducated, hate-mongering, tinfoil-hat-wearing, racist conspiracy theorists.
    “That’s how they keep your eyes off the big picture. All the while the gradual overthrow that you’re so passionate about exposing is happening right under your nose. Yet you stand around here preaching to the choir, as if that’s going to do anything at all to stop it.
    “There’s no respect for you in Washington. They laugh at you. You say you want a revolution? That Constitution the lady was holding up a while ago? It gives you the power to revolt at every single election. Do you realize that in a couple of weeks every last seat in the U.S. House of Representatives will be up for grabs? And the presidency? And one-third of the Senate seats?
    “The approval rating for Congress is somewhere around fifteen

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