The Orphans (Book 3): Strangers

The Orphans (Book 3): Strangers by Mike Evans

Book: The Orphans (Book 3): Strangers by Mike Evans Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mike Evans
Tags: Zombie Apocalypse
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cut in, “Yeah that or maybe someone got drunk as shit and drove their car straight into somebodies gas station pump.”
                  Philip raised a hand that wasn’t needed, “You know just a thought but do you think we might stop back by the bar on our way to Andy’s place?”
                  TIm said, “Dude I told you I don’t have any other guns there, besides we are going to a gun store.”
                  Eric laughed, “Are you kidding me, he doesn’t give a shit about the guns, Philip is worried about going through a zombie apocalypse dead sober, we ran out of beer on day one of this shit. I for one would be more than happy to take a swing by yur place and pick up a couple of….well pick up all of your kegs. I mean if someone hasn’t already looted all your shit then I say we might as well take them with, and smokes, we should get smokes.”
                  Tim said, “So your shopping list for the zombie apocalypse is smokes, beer, and guns?”
                  Eric smiled winking, “You got it brother, now let’s grab all your guns and shit and lets get moving.”
                  The men made their way around the house collecting all of the ammo that they had collected the last couple days. They filled packs that they could carry with them and when every pocket was full and they looked like they could burst from the seems that was when Tim said, “We need to put the rest of this in the pickup. We don’t want to leave any of it behind.”
                  “Christ how much more do you think that we need Tim?” Eric Asked.
                  “I think we need all of this and thousand and tens of thousands more. We need food, and warm clothes when winter comes and some kind of kevlar, you saw what happened when they got bit in the alleyway. It took seconds before they turned into one of those things. I don’t know what it is that happens and I don’t have any interest in finding out.”
                  Eric interrupted the spiel, “Beer….beer we need beer lots of it probably hard liquor to. God knows that the breweries bless their hearts are gonna have to take a break for a while. Man it would have been cool if we could’ve been stuck in one of those places.”
                  Philip and Eric both looked to the ground in sorrow for the stoppage of beer being made. The two might as well have been at a funeral with the compassion they showed in their faces. Tim said, “You guys do realize that we are going to a grocery store right? What I mean is that they have beer and liquor there right? We can get stocked up with enough booze to drink yourselves stupid. We can get enough non perishable foods hopefully to make a stand somewhere? Hell I don’t give a shit if it’s right here as long as we got the supplies that we need and can stay safe and sound.”
                  They walked out slowly checking out the side driveway and the back yard. All of tem walked cautiously guns up and relieved when there was nothing on the ground. Eric said, “We are going to need a bigger truck if we’re getting all of these supplies i mean-”
                  A single droplet and then a few more droplets of blood hit him in the forehead. He wiped at it seeing the dark red blood smeared on his fingers and hand. A mangled leg dropped in front of him not attached to a body. Eric screamed jumping back under the roofs edge. He had nothing in his gunsights but began firing as fast and rapidly as he could pull the trigger.”
                  The bullets punched through the roof sending pieces of wood down into his eyes. The bullets were able to hit the Turned but doing little damage. Had it been able to feel pain it would have thoroughly pissed it off. It leapt off of the roof’s edge landing on the truck’s roof fifteen feet away. It screamed for everything that it

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