The Open Door
stared at the hall’s entryway. Heels . . . it must be a woman.
The footsteps sound light—she’s a small woman. The walk is crisp
and energetic—maybe a younger woman? Scott’s intuitiveness
proved highly accurate; in walked a pretty but wholesome female,
well dressed, beautiful, long full hair, amazing eyes, and the
warmest smile Scott had ever seen.
    “Hi, I’m Ella, how may I help you?”
    Add amazing voice to the list, Scott
thought. “Hi! Yes! I would like to see your catalog; I’m looking to
purchase a few books today, and I would like to see what you have
in stock.”
    Ella reached behind the desk and pulled out a
small catalog for Scott to look through. “Anything in particular?”
Ella asked, with a kind smile.
    “Well—it’s difficult for me to explain. To be
honest, I don’t know much about this stuff. It’s really for
    “What type of research? Maybe I can help—I
know our inventory and would be happy to recommend something for
    Scott was afraid to mention anything that
might frighten Ella or make her think he was crazy, so he was
careful to answer. “It’s research for someone who would like to
bring some good into their lives. You know—out with the bad, in
with the good? They’ve had some negative experiences and would like
to—uh—pray—and possibly find a way to be rid of the negative
experiences. You know?” Scott had embarrassed himself, but Ella
smiled sweetly and responded in a way to not further embarrass
    “I believe I have just the thing. I would
start with the Old Testament and a Strong’s, which will help to
figure out the true meaning of the words and verses in the Bible.
By simply knowing and understanding the Bible, many believe it
nourishes the soul and brings more positive things into their
lives. Maybe it’ll be a good starting point?”
    “Sounds perfect, I’ll take both.” Scott felt
a little uncomfortable, as if the conversation became overly
personal, even though it didn’t.
    He watched as Ella walked away to retrieve
the books, and then turned to look at Cody, whom he had forgotten
was sitting behind him the entire time. Cody stared at Scott with a
sly grin.
    “Oh, you know. I saw how you looked at
    “I was being nice. What? A guy can’t be nice
without it being taken the wrong way?”
    “Not at all, but there’s being nice, and then
there’s: BEING NICE. I’m not blind you know. She’s cute, she has no
ring, and she seemed to be a bit smitten by you.” Cody said
sarcastically, using a terrible English accent.
    “Yeah, well, I’m not ‘smitten’ by you, so
stick a sock in it!” Partly joking, and partly being serious, Scott
ended the conversation before Ella’s return.
    Returning with the books, Ella gently handed
them to Scott—placing them in his hands while her longing eyes
locked into his.  She found herself smiling involuntarily, as
if she couldn’t stop had she wanted to.  A slight shy chuckle
was shared between both parties, and then Ella released her hands
from the books, realizing that she was holding one end of the books
while Scott held the other. 
      There was so much Scott wanted to say
to Ella—so much he wanted to ask, but the only words to escape his
mouth were, “Thank you.” 
      “You’re so welcome, Scott.  Do
you have any questions?  Anything at all?  I’m no expert,
but I know enough to where I can probably help, at least a
      Her offer was so sweet that it almost
overwhelmed Scott.  Don’t blow it!  He thought to
himself.  “Actually, I didn’t want to bother, but since you
offered, I could use a little help.”
      “There’s a coffee shop on the other
end of the mall; how about we discuss your problem and any
questions you have tomorrow?”
      Now overwhelmed with excitement and
happiness, for having the opportunity to have one-on-one time with
Ella, Scott accepted her invite while doing his best to conceal
both his

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