The New Year's Party

The New Year's Party by R.L. Stine

Book: The New Year's Party by R.L. Stine Read Free Book Online
Authors: R.L. Stine
“Tonight didn’t help me get the Christmas spirit,” he confessed sadly.
    They worked in silence until they had eliminated every trace of the party.
    Greta sighed when they gathered back in the living room. “I’m beat. I can’t believe we have to go to school tomorrow. I could sleep for a year.”
    â€œMe, too,” Artie answered. “I’ll get the coats.”
    Greta gave Reenie a hug. “See you tomorrow.”
    â€œBye,” Artie called.
    â€œI guess I’ll go, too,” Sean said. “You going to be okay here by yourself?”
    Reenie nodded.
    Sean pulled her close and kissed her. Reenie wished the kiss would never end. She didn’t want to think about anything but the way Sean’s lips felt against hers.
    â€œNight,” he whispered.
    Reenie locked the door the second Sean stepped outside. She fastened the chain, too—even though her parents never did. Then she checked every door and window.
    Reenie knew she should turn the lights off, but she didn’t. She felt safer being able to see every corner. She didn’t need any more surprises.
    She dragged herself into her room, sat on the bed, and buried her face in her hands. She felt like crying.

    What a terrible night. What a terrible party.
    She wished her parents were home. Or that she had asked Greta to stay with her. She didn’t want to be alone.
    The phone rang, startling her.
    She picked it up from the nightstand. “Hello?”
    â€œHi, it’s Liz. Is my brother still there?”
    â€œStop it, Liz. Please,” Reenie pleaded. “We figured out the joke. We know your brother is okay.”
    â€œExcuse me? What joke? Did P.J. fall for that joke with Sandi? What happened, Reenie?”
    â€œI’m sure P.J. will tell you all about it later—if you don’t already know,” Reenie replied.
    â€œHe isn’t still there?” Liz demanded. “Where is he, Reenie?”
    â€œHe … he isn’t here,” Reenie told her.
    Liz hung up.
    Reenie forced herself to get up, and changed into her favorite flannel nightgown with the little sheep on it. Then she crawled into bed, telling herself she would brush her teeth twice as long in the morning.
    But she couldn’t fall asleep. She kept hearing Liz’s voice in her head.
    Is my brother still there? Is my brother still there?

Chapter 22

I didn’t fall asleep for hours,” Reenie told Sean on the way to school the next morning. “I kept hearing Liz’s voice in my head. It gave me the creeps.”
    â€œThey can’t give up the joke,” Sean replied.
    â€œThey’re determined to convince us that something bad happened to P.J.” He yawned. “Oh, man, I’m wrecked this morning. I kept dreaming you guys were carrying
down the basement stairs instead of P.J. I tried to tell you I wasn’t dead—but you wouldn’t listen.”
    Reenie patted his shoulder. “What a horrible dream.”
    â€œI bet P.J. will be waiting for us at school—ready to laugh in our faces,” Sean said.
    As soon as they pulled into the student parking lot, Reenie climbed out of the car and scanned the crowd for P.J. She studied every face as she and Sean entered the school.
    No P.J.
    They ran into Greta and Artie in the hall. Greta didn’t bother to say hi. “I haven’t seen P.J. yet. But he has to be here somewhere,” Greta informed them.
    â€œI don’t have any classes with him. Do you?” Artie asked Reenie.
    â€œFifth period. History,” she answered.
    â€œP.J. will be there,” Artie declared. “He’s not going to cut school for a joke that isn’t fooling anybody.”
    Artie is right, Reenie thought. P.J. isn’t the type to skip class. I’ll congratulate him on tricking us, and that will be the end of it.
    The first bell rang. “Talk to you at lunch,” Reenie called. She

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