The New Jim Crow

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Book: The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michelle Alexander
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communities; re-entry programs
    child-support debts
    chokeholds, lethal
    Chunn, Gwendolyn
    Civil Asset Forfeiture Reform Act (2000)
    Civil Rights Act (1866)
    Civil Rights Act (1964); Title VI
    civil rights advocacy, future of; changing the culture of law enforcement; collective denial by civil rights advocates; dismantling the mass incarceration system; and flawed public consensus; grassroots activism by formerly incarcerated men and women; human rights paradigm/ approach; Obama presidency; poor and working-class whites; and problem of colorblind advocacy; reconsidering affirmative action; reform work and movement building; reluctance to advocate on behalf of criminals; and sentencing; and trickle-down theories of racial justice
    Civil Rights Movement; backlash against; and black people who defied racial stereotypes; desegregation protests; and economic justice; and end of Jim Crow system; and federal legislation; and human rights approach; initial resistance from some African Americans; and King’s call for complete restructuring of society; Poor People’s Movement
    civil rights organizations/community; collective denial by; professionalization and conversion of grassroots movement into legal crusade; reluctance to advocate on behalf of criminals. See also civil rights advocacy, future of
    Clary, Edward
    Clinton, Bill/Clinton administration; federal drug programs; marijuana use; militarization of War on Drugs; public housing and eviction rules; “tough on crime” policies/legislation; and War on Drugs; welfare reform legislation
    Cloward, Richard
    cognitive bias research
    Cohen, Cathy
    Cohen, Stanley
    Cohen, William
    Cole, David
    Coley, Rebekah Levine
    colorblindness; and affirmative action; and black exceptionalism; and “interracial racial caste system,”; and mass incarceration; problem of flawed pursuit of; Reagan’s racialized campaign rhetoric; resisting temptation to ignore race in advocacy; and U.S. Constitution; and whites’ reluctance to acknowledge race
    Colvin, Claudette
    Common (rap artist)
    Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) program
    Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevent and Control Act (1970)
    Congressional Black Caucus (CBC)
    consent searches and traffic stops
    conservative philosophy of race relations (Reconstruction era)
    conspiracy theories and War on Drugs
    Constitution, U.S.. See also individual amendments
    Corrections Corporation of America
    Cosby, Bill
    Cotton, Jarvious
    crack cocaine; conspiracy theories; and drunk driving campaigns; hundred-to-one ratio; media campaign; and outdoor drug activity/open-air drug markets; and prosecutors’ extraordinary discretion; and racially discriminatory sentencing; and Reagan’s drug war
    crime and “get tough” policies; black support for; and Clinton administration; and mass incarceration system; and white voters
    crime rates; crime reduction and incarceration rates; drug crime; and joblessness; violent crime
    Criminology (journal)

    Davis, Angela J.
    death penalty: Baldus study findings; and drug-related offenses; and legal advocacy; and Obama; racial bias in sentencing
    Declaration of Independence
    Democratic Party
    denial, collective; “birdcage” metaphor and structural racism; by civil rights advocates; and mass incarceration of black men
    Denton, Nancy
    Diallo, Amadou
    disenfranchisement. See voting rights
    dogs, drug-sniffing
    Doing Time on the Outside (Braman)
    Douglas, Justice William O.
    Douglass, Frederick
    Drake, Clinton
    Dred Scott v. Sanford
    driver’s licenses
    Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA); antidrug spending; cash grants/federal aid to law enforcement; “drug-courier profiles,”; Operation Pipeline
    drug forfeiture laws; creation of an “innocent owner,”; and

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