The Navigators

The Navigators by Dan Alatorre

Book: The Navigators by Dan Alatorre Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dan Alatorre
her mouth. “I’m hoo young hor a hearing aid.” Then she disappeared into the kitchen for some water to swallow them.
    “That’s no joke.” Roger rubbed an ear. “That was brutal.”
    “Yeah.” I shifted on the couch, chasing some more aspirin with a sip of soda. Roger reached for the aspirin bottle.
    Barry finally joined us, sinking into the cushions and leaning his head back. “We have got to figure out what to do about that noise and bright light.” He swigged from the aspirin bottle like they were hard liquor and grabbed my soda to wash the pills down.
    Footsteps clamored up the outside stairs of the apartment. Probably neighbors wanting to complain about the noise. Barry rolled off the couch and went to the front door. “Well, at least we have a good story to tell Riff.”
    As he opened the door, Riff grinned at him. “Tell me what?”
    “Riffer! You’re back!”
    Barry went to give him a hug, but Riff recoiled. “Take it easy! Bruised ribs!”
    “Good to see you.” Roger walked over. “I’m glad you got released so fast.”
    Melissa blinked, tucking her hair behind her ear. “Why’d they let you out early?”
    “I only cracked a few ribs.”
    “An early release?” Roger folded his arms. “That guy last night seemed pretty adamant.”
    “Oh, they wanted to keep me longer. But, you know, I was able to get out anyway because of being such a good physical specimen.” He puffed out his chest.
    Barry went with him back to the living room. “What the hell does that mean?”
    “Well, the freaking vampires came by to get blood, and then these other guys were sticking me with all these needles and crap. It was pissing me off.”
    Melissa sat on the arm of the chair. “Riff, they have to do tests. You might have had internal injuries.”
    “Yeah, that’s what they said.” Riff moved over to the couch. “Then the head honcho guy shows up and now he wants to start poking me with needles again. So I frigging poked him a little. I can tell when doctors are messing with me.”
    “Oh, God.” Melissa shook her head.
    “And then he brings in an extra security person. Can you believe it? So I threw my piss pan right in their fat faces!”
    Melissa’s hands flew to her mouth. “You threw a bed pan at the doctor?”
    “Well, he moved. It was a security person.”
    “A cop?” Roger leaned forward. “You threw piss on a cop?”
    “Not a cop, some bozo in a pink apron. With stripes.”
    “A candy striper!” Melissa gasped. “You assaulted a candy striper!”
    “After that, they released me—because I’m in such good shape and they knew there was nothing really wrong with me.”
    “Oh, my God. Riff!”
    “I was kinda in a hurry to get out of there anyway, so I caught a cab and came on over.”
    “You fled the scene.”
    “Tomato – potahto, you know?” He stretched out, crossing his legs on the coffee table and pointing to the time machine. “So what’s up? What did you find out about this big brown egg from the mine?”
    “Is it safe to have this conversation?” Barry asked. “Are the cops about to break down our door?”
    Melissa checked the time on her cell phone. “I have to go. Will you guys get psycho boy here up to speed while I run out?”
    “Where are you going?” Roger frowned. “I’m missing classes to figure this thing out.”
    “I have to go do an interview. For Dad’s campaign.”
    “It shouldn’t take long. I’ll be right back.” She slipped her purse strap over her shoulder. “Peeky, can you come along?”
    “What?” I blinked. “Uh, sure.”
    Flipping her hair, she glanced at the others. “Can I trust the rest of you not to do anything stupid while we’re gone?”
    Barry had been leaning on the machine and pointing things out to Riff. He stopped us before we made it out the door. “Hey, how about getting us some supplies? Ear plugs, for sure, and something to protect our eyes. Like maybe some welder’s glasses.”
    Riff furrowed his brow.

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