The Naughty List

The Naughty List by Tiffany Reisz

Book: The Naughty List by Tiffany Reisz Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tiffany Reisz

    “Afraid not,” Ben said. “We’ve got a little over an hour before we board.”
    “Actually, more like seventy-five minutes.” Scott materialized behind us.
    I casually looked over my shoulder.
    Scott leaned toward me. “So did he bore you with all things ranch-related?”
    I shook my head. “Nope, not at all.” I studied Scott’s hazel eyes. They favored shades of green more than brown. And while they were tantalizing, they paled in contrast to Ben’s sultry bedroom eyes.
    “I thought about rescuing you a few times, but you looked like you were enjoying yourself,” Scott said.
    “I was.” There was no embarrassment or shame in my response. Actually, the thought of Scott watching us sent my body into overdrive.
    A cell phone chimed and Scott reached into the back pocket of his jeans. He glanced at the screen and then looked at Ben.
    “It’s a text from J.P.”
    Ben pulled out his cell phone. “Crap. I didn’t realize the time.”
    “Who’s J.P.?”
    “J.P.’s the owner of the ranch,” Scott said. “And Ben was supposed to call in with a progress report.”
    “With all the different time zones we’ve been in.” Ben put his hands on his hips. “I completely forgot.” He held out his hand. “Give me your phone and I’ll talk to him. He’ll answer your call.”
    “Ah, it’s no big deal. His text just came in, but it had to have been sent earlier when we were on the plane. You take Lucy to tour Denver and I’ll call J.P. Besides,” Scott said, “he just wants a progress report. It’s nothing I can’t handle.”
    “Are you sure?” A wave of relief washed away the hard edges and replaced them with a softer, kinder Ben. “You know I hate talking to the old man.”
    Scott laughed. “That’s why he has
call in every night.”
    Ben rolled his eyes. “He’s a tough old bird and I respect him. But you know I’m not a phone person.” Ben looked at me. “I’m not a phone person.”
    “Shocking,” I said.
    He shook his head and then held out his hand to Scott. They shook. “Thanks for taking care of this. I owe you one.”
    “You do. And I won’t forget it,” Scott said with a grin.
    Ben slowly rubbed his chin and locked his gaze onto me. “I was going to introduce Lucy to the underground tunnels and transit system. I think it’s time to show this So Cal girl a thing or two about riding the rails.”
    * * *
    “Are you sure we aren’t being rude?” I glanced behind me. “Scott’s phone call won’t last an hour.”
    “Scott’s taking care of something else for me, too.” Ben grabbed my elbow and led me toward the escalator. He pressed into me. “Get on the tram and take off your panties.”
    “I’m in jeans.” The words flew out of my mouth and Ben’s hold on me tightened.
    “Figure it out.” Ben’s untamed personality was raw and dangerous.
    When we descended the escalator, I spotted a boutique
    I pulled away from Ben and ran toward the store.
    I barely made it inside before the saleswoman approached the doors to lock them.
    “We’re closing,” she said.
    I leaned toward her. “I just need to buy a skirt. I had a minor mishap on my last flight and my jeans are…”
    The saleswoman eyed my jeans.
    “They’re dark so they don’t show…” I didn’t know what to say.
    “Oh, I hate it when my period comes early.” She walked toward the center of the store. “I don’t have many skirts during our winter season, but I have a few wool ones.”
    I grabbed a plaid wool mini-skirt “That’s perfect.” I looked around the store. “May I change?”
    The woman carefully pulled the price tag off the waist of the skirt. “I’ll ring you up while you change outfits.” She pointed toward the back of the store. “They’re unlocked.”
    I went inside, unbuckled my shoes and slid out of my jeans and the packaged condom fell to the floor. I was about to grab it when Ben’s hand appeared under the dressing room door and seized it.
    “Lucy, hand me the

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