The Mystery of the Purple Pool

The Mystery of the Purple Pool by Gertrude Chandler Warner

Book: The Mystery of the Purple Pool by Gertrude Chandler Warner Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gertrude Chandler Warner
Tags: Ebook, book
    A Big Surprise
    T he Alden children were all in the living room of their grandfather’s big, comfortable house in Greenfield.
    Benny sat on a window seat, gazing out. Rain splattered against the cold glass. Benny sighed. “Isn’t it ever going to stop? It’s been raining for four days, and I’m bored.”
    Henry looked up from the book he was reading and said to his six-year-old brother, “Come on, Benny, we’ll play some checkers.”
    Benny shook his head. “Thanks, Henry, but I’ve played a million games of checkers in the last few days.”
    Henry laughed. “Well, not quite a million games. How about if we do that new jigsaw puzzle you have?”
    Benny thought for a minute. “I think that puzzle is too easy for a boy who is fourteen like you.”
    Jessie walked over to them. “Is it too easy for a twelve-year-old girl?”
    â€œI think so,” Benny said.
    Violet joined them. “How about a ten-year-old girl?”
    Benny shrugged. “I think you’re all just trying to be nice to me.”
    â€œI know!” Jessie said enthusiastically. “Let’s ask Mrs. McGregor if we can bake cookies.”
    â€œ That I like,” Benny said. “But what will we do after that?”
    Grandfather Alden was sitting in a big easy chair in a corner of the room, with Watch dozing at his feet. He folded the newspaper he had been reading and put it in his lap. “You know,” he said, “I have to go to New York City tomorrow on business. I’ll be there a few days. How would you children like to come with me?”
    â€œTo New York?” Jessie cried out, hardly believing what her grandfather had said.
    â€œI’ve never been there,” Benny said.
    â€œNone of us has,” Violet added.
    â€œWow!” Henry said. “Would we like to come with you to New York? You bet we would.”
    Violet ran over to Mr. Alden and threw her arms around him. “Oh, Grandfather, that would be wonderful!”
    Mr. Alden rose from his chair. “I’ll call the Plymouth Hotel and get rooms for all of you.”
    He walked into the den and the four children followed him eagerly. He dialed the hotel number and waited for an answer. Then he said, “Reservations, please.”
    â€œThat’s us,” Benny whispered to Violet. “We’re reser … reser …”
    â€œReser vations, ” Jessie filled in.
    â€œThat’s what I said,” Benny answered proudly.
    â€œSssh,” Violet said, as Grandfather continued his conversation.
    â€œThis is Mr. James Alden. I have a reservation for a room from tomorrow until Thursday. But now I’m bringing my grandchildren with me. Do you have a suite with three bedrooms and a sitting room?” He looked at the children and smiled. “And perhaps a kitchenette?”
    â€œA kitchenette !” Henry and Violet said together.
    â€œYou do?” Mr. Alden said. “Good. I’ll take that and we’ll check in tomorrow afternoon. Thank you.” He hung up the phone and went back to the living room with the four children at his heels.
    When he had settled in his chair again, he said, “There are some guidebooks to New York City on the second shelf in the bookcase in the den. Why don’t you all look through them and decide what you want to do. I’ll be working part of the time, so Henry and Jessie, you’ll be in charge.”
    The children found the guidebooks and Violet said, “Let’s take them to the boxcar and look at them there.”
    â€œIt’s raining so hard,” Benny said.
    â€œWe can run down,” Jessie said. “A little rain won’t hurt you.”
    â€œMaybe Mrs. McGregor can give us a snack to take with us,” Benny said hopefully.
    Jessie laughed. “That sounds familiar, Benny. But it’s a good idea.”
    In the kitchen, Mrs. McGregor was baking an apple pie. “Do

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