The Millionaire’s Ultimate Catch

The Millionaire’s Ultimate Catch by Michelle Monkou Page B

Book: The Millionaire’s Ultimate Catch by Michelle Monkou Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michelle Monkou
Tags: Fiction
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held your undivided attention, but business still has to be conducted. We’re running out of time.” Jamison flashed his hands as if he were a conductor. Rings and a gaudy watch decoratedhis fingers and wrist. The ensemble went with the odd blue suit that made him look like an aggressive timeshare seller.
    Zack headed for the door with Jamison in tow. He chose the far side of the property where only a few people were out smoking. Plus, he didn’t want any nosy reporters or colleagues picking up the scent of a conflict.
    Jamison lit a cigarette and inhaled until it was burned halfway down. “Okay, this doesn’t have to turn into World War III. I want Lassiter on board. If he’s in place, we can go after the permit for the complex.”
    “But that’s riskier. More money has to be tied up, and we have other projects. Plus, I don’t think the city needs another mega-mart complex. Look around you, there are tons of empty strip malls.”
    “So now you’re into city planning?” Jamison stepped in closer, his eyebrows meshed into one. The frown firmly in place highlighted the cold seriousness in his eyes. “Yes or no?”
    “No.” Zack stared back. He didn’t expect any of his projects to go smoothly. The last thing he wanted was a rift, but he wasn’t about to sell his soul for success.
    “Then we need to discuss our next steps.”
    “I suggest we take the weekend to sleep on things and meet in the office on Monday.”
    Jamison gave a curt nod and spun on his heels. Zack watched his retreat with his posture rigid. But he wasn’t the only one who was upset. He didn’t know what this meant for his future business.
    He headed back into the building. With an effort he shook off the residual anger. He scanned the room looking for Naomi. An apology was certainly needed, since he’d so abruptly parted with her company. Hisparents were on the dance floor, while Naomi was seated at a table watching them.
    In an exaggerated, deep drawl, he asked, “May I interest you in a dance?” He eased closer to her, staying behind just enough that she couldn’t see him.
    “Oh, I don’t think so. Thanks for asking. I’m waiting for the man who I came with. Sorry.”
    He liked the fact that she didn’t bounce out of the chair for any guy. He cleared his throat to get her attention.
    Before he had time to tease her, someone grabbed him by the elbow and spun him. Oh, no, it was one of the Patterson twins. Lavinia had to be one of the most tenacious women he’d ever met. Her over-the-top exuberance had turned him off then and it most certainly wasn’t appropriate now. His mother referred to her and her sister as the country-club twins. His exaggerated exploits with them had now gained legendary status.
    “Let’s dance, Zack. Like old times.” Lavinia tiptoed to look over his shoulder. “I’ll bring him back when I’m done, sweetie. We’ve got unfinished business.”
    Zack followed Lavinia to the dance floor. He knew better than to call attention to her. The woman lived to be melodramatic and the source of tawdry gossip.
    To make matters worse, Lavinia, clearly under the influence, promptly glued her body against his. She ground against his hips with more sultry moves than needed for the song or for him. Zack took a step back and pulled her arms from around his neck.
    “I think you need to slow down on the alcohol.”
    “Why did you leave, Zack?” Lavinia blinked as if it helped clear her thoughts. “We were having fun. I would have settled down…with you.”
    “Lavinia, we were not a couple. We hung out. In a group.”
    “You like my sister more than me. Everyone likes her more than me.” Lavinia’s arms swung out in wide circles, causing him to duck.
    “Are you here alone?” He’d had enough. He wasn’t going to be able to get through to her while she was in this state. When she was sober, for a short window of time, she’d be embarrassed over her behavior, only to repeat the cycle.
    Their group had been made

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