The Millionaire Gambler (Ashley's Choice)
back to him and resumed making an espresso for a customer.
    “Sorry to bother you,” he said.  “I hope we'll have the chance to meet again.”  With that, Jason gave her a wink, and then turned and left the shop.
    Ashley wasn't sure if she'd done the right thing or not.  The guy was way hot, and he obviously had money, but a gambler?  Really?  And why was he interested in her?  He looked like a guy who could probably have any woman he wanted, and if he had money, he probably ran in social circles that were full of drop-dead gorgeous women.
    I have no idea why he'd show interest in someone like me.
    “Looks like you've got an admirer,” said Michael, as he headed back to the office.  His look betrayed just a hint of jealousy, but of course, he said nothing to that effect.
    “Oh, I don't know.  Maybe he just wanted some company while he drank his coffee.”
    “He's a nice looking guy.  Certainly well dressed.  You wouldn't be interested in someone like that?”  Michael was clearly fishing here.
    “I guess he was rather nice looking.  It doesn't really matter; he's gone now.”  Ashley turned around and began cleaning the counter.

Chapter 2
    Ashley didn't have to wait long to find out more about Jason.  He walked in to the coffee shop just three days later, right before the 9 PM closing time.  Business is usually slow late in the day, and Michael had left early to take care of some personal business.  He didn't like to leave Ashley in the shop by herself, but she assured him that she'd be OK this one time.  The area around the coffee shop was relatively free of crime.
    Jason's arrival caught her by surprise.  He looked just as she remembered him, if not better.  He was, once again, wearing expensive designer clothing and looked positively dreamy.  His tailored shirt fit snugly, allowing her to admire his physique.  She could definitely be interested in this guy.
    “Hi,” Ashley said, trying to ignore the fact that Jason's appearance had turned her legs to jelly.  It was all she could do to speak without stammering.  “What can I get you?  We're just about to close.”
    “I'd like a date,” he said with a smile.  “And a tall latte.”
    Ashley ignored the request for a date and prepared his coffee.  “That will be $2.75,” she said, nervously.
    He leaned over to take the coffee from her and kissed her.  This kiss wasn't a peck; it was a deep, thoughtful, knee buckling kiss that left Ashley positively dizzy.  She didn't resist, despite her better judgment.
    After a kiss like that, it was all she could do to remember her own name.   Coming up with a reply was even more difficult.
    He's not really interested in me.  He just thinks I'm easy because I work in a coffee shop. Not. Gonna. Happen.
    At least, that's what she told herself.  Ashley wasn't all that sure she believed it.
    “I have to close up now,” she said.  “You'll have to go.”  Ashley came out from behind the counter with the store keys and motioned towards the door, indicating that Jason should leave.
    Jason approached her, grabbed her hand containing the keys and pulled her to him, wrapping his other arm around her lower back.
    He moved to kiss her again, slowly and deliberately.  His lips crushed against hers, and his tongue entered her mouth, exploring it eagerly.  Ashley knew better than to put herself in this situation, but returned his kiss with equal passion, throwing caution and safety to the wind.  Her tongue found his and greedily explored his mouth.  He tasted of coffee.
    She'd never known a man who could kiss like this, and Jason was kissing her as though his life depended on it.  Ashley was breaking out in goosebumps as he moved his hand from her back to her hair, running his fingers through it gently.
    Ashley could feel a growing bulge in his pants as he pressed himself against her.  It had been a while since

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