The Millionaire Gambler (Ashley's Choice)
    Ashley poured herself a cup of drip coffee, grabbed a chocolate chip cookie from the display case and started to step around the counter to have a seat at one of the tables in the small shop.  As she stepped around the counter, she bumped into a male customer who had just come in, spilling her coffee and dropping her cookie in the process.
    “I'm so sorry!”, she said with embarrassment as she got her first look at the man, who was surprisingly handsome.
    “No, it's my fault.  I didn't see you coming around the counter.  Did you get any coffee on you? Are you burned?”  He seemed genuinely concerned.
    “No, I'm fine.  I just need to clean up the mess and pour another cup.”  Ashley went back behind the counter, picked up a few rags and cleaned up the mess.  She poured another cup of coffee and stepped around the counter again.  The man went to the counter where Michael took his order.
    Ashley found a table in the corner and sat down to enjoy her break and her cup of coffee.  She decided not to bother with the cookie; she probably didn't need the calories, anyway.  She took a sip of the hot, satisfying brew and noticed that the handsome man she'd bumped into was standing in front of her.
    “Would you mind if I sat here?  I'm still feeling guilty about spilling your coffee.  My name's Jason, by the way.”
    Ashley looked him over.  This guy is hot.  Why on Earth is he interested in me? she thought.
    Ashley extended her hand.  “Not at all.  My name's Ashley.”
    Jason stood about six feet tall and looked maybe 30 or so.  He had short, dark brown hair, brown eyes, and a trim, athletic build.  He didn't look musclebound; he looked more like someone who found time to hit the gym four or five days a week.
    He looked good.  Actually, he looked positively amazing.  He was also dressed particularly well; wearing a silk dress shirt that looked like it might have been a Gucci, along with matching pants and a watch that was clearly a Rolex.  His shoes looked as if they cost more than Ashley's car.
    “You don't strike me as the sort of person who'd be working in a coffee shop.  Shouldn't you be working as a model or something?”
    Ashley blushed.  “That's kind of you, but no, I'm not the modeling type.  I'm actually a paralegal, but I was laid off about a year ago.  I've been working here for a while now.”
    Jason took a sip of his coffee.  “Sorry to hear about your layoff.  The coffee's good here.  I guess I can thank you for that.”
    “So what do you do, Jason?  You obviously have a better job than I do,” she said, pointing at his watch.
    Jason hesitated for a few seconds and took a sip of his coffee.  “I'm a professional gambler, as it happens.”  He took another sip of his coffee.
    “A gambler?  Here in Dallas?  We don't have any casinos around here.”  Ashley had a baffled look on her face.
    “I do occasionally gamble in casinos, but my primary game is poker.  You can find high stakes poker games just about anywhere, and there's no shortage of them here in Texas.”
    “I had no idea,” she replied.  Ashley looked at the clock on the wall.  “It looks like my break is about over.  I need to get back to work.  Nice meeting you, Jason.”
    She got up and returned to her place behind the counter, trying her best to stop staring at the gorgeous man she'd left at the table.  Jason looked as if he belonged on the cover of GQ, especially in those clothes.
    A few minutes later, Jason approached the counter.
    “May I call you?  I'd love to take you to dinner.”
    Ashley blushed again.  “I'm not sure that's appropriate.  We just met, and I don't really know you.”  She had no idea why this wealthy, handsome man was asking her out.
    “How can you get to know me if you don't let me call you?”
    “I'm sorry.  I really need to get back to work.”  She turned her

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