The Mighty Quinns: Ronan

The Mighty Quinns: Ronan by Kate Hoffmann

Book: The Mighty Quinns: Ronan by Kate Hoffmann Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate Hoffmann
Maybe a nice restaurant. I got paid yesterday. And the money is burning a hole in my waders.”
    “So first, we jump into bed and then we start dating.” She grinned. “It didn’t work for me the other way around so I guess we could give it a shot.”
    “All right. I’ll make the plans.” But before he could go on, Ronan heard a scream from the wharf above them.
    “Charlotte Sibley! Charlotte Sibley, I need youuuuuuu!”
    Charlie peeked over Ronan’s shoulder and groaned. “Oh, no. Lettie Trowbridge. If you get the lines, I think we should be able to make our escape before she gets down here.”
    “What does she want?” Ronan asked. He turned around when he heard the clomp of footsteps on the wooden stairs.
    “Who knows. She may want an update on our sex life. Or she may want to know whether I read the books she dropped off at my parents’ house.”
    “What kind of books?”
    “How To Please Your Man. Catch Your Perfect Guy In Thirty Days. Make Love Like A Porn Star.”
    “That last one sounds good.”
    “Charlotte! Hellooo! Charlotte!”
    Pasting a smile on her face, Charlie stepped out from behind Ronan and jumped up onto the dock. Lettie was an elderly woman with a shock of white hair that looked like it had been combed with a rake. She wore a blouse with flowers bigger than her head and carried a huge purse that hung from her shoulder.
    “Hello,” she said, sending him a warm smile. “You must be the Quinn. I’ve seen you around town, but we haven’t officially met.” She held out her hand. “Leticia Trowbridge. Sibleyville’s official matchmaker.” She reached into her purse and pulled out a camera then snapped a quick picture of him.
    “Oh, look at that. Rugged. Handsome. The scruffy beard will have all the women swooning.” She snapped another picture. “I’d love to get one after you’ve had a chance to clean up a bit.”
    “Lettie, is there something I can help you with? You came here looking for me, didn’t you?”
    The older woman slapped her forehead. “Yes! I did. I am in dire need of your help, Charlotte. As you know, I’m the head of the entertainment and culture committee for the Sibleyville Bicentennial Celebration which will begin two weeks from today. And I’m sure you’ve heard that we’re doing a wonderful theatrical production called ‘The Curse of Bridie Quinn.’ It’s a Romeo and Juliet tale of Edward Sibley and Moira Quinn. Only in this version, they get married.”
    “You can’t change history,” Charlie said.
    “Of course I can. The whole last part of the play takes place in a dream. At the end, Edward wakes up and stares longingly out to sea. It’s very tragic.” She paused for a moment as if she’d forgotten her train of thought, then drew another breath. “The reason I’ve come is that we’ve lost our Moira. Ruth Ann Robinson tripped over her cat and broke her ankle. There’s no way she’ll be able to go on. Anyway, everyone in town thought that you’d be an excellent replacement since you were a professional actress at one time.”
    Ronan grabbed the lunch pail from the skiff and the extra clothes, then jumped onto the dock. “I’m going to head up to the apartment,” he said.
    “No, no, don’t leave,” Lettie said. “I understand you know you’re way around a hammer and a saw. We could use your help with sets. It would mean a lot to everyone here in town.”
    “I really don’t think I’ll have time,” he said.
    “And I won’t either, Lettie.”
    “But you could memorize everything quickly. You wouldn’t have to come to rehearsal until the week after next. I’m sure you’ll be able to learn the staging quickly. Please say you’ll consider it.”
    Charlie glanced over at Ronan, shaking her head. “If you don’t find anyone else to take the part, then I might consider it. But you should keep looking.”
    “Lovely,” Lettie said. She pulled a sheaf of papers from her bag. “This is the script. Just give it a look. I’d

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