The MacGregor Grooms

The MacGregor Grooms by Nora Roberts

Book: The MacGregor Grooms by Nora Roberts Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nora Roberts
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herself to move slowly. “I can still use a phone, after all. I’m so pleased you can help me with this, darling. At my age, one never knows how much time one will have with their friends and loved ones.” She patted Layna’s hand. “I’ll just see myself out.”
    She continued to move slowly until she was out of the house, out of sight, then she quickened her pace. Her face was set in a determined smile; her eyes were bright with challenge.
    Twenty-four hours to set things up, she thought. More than time enough—once she called Daniel and got him working on his end.
    *   *   *
    Daniel peeked out the window of his tower office and scowled. What the devil was taking them so long? He only had a handful of days to settle this matter, and he couldn’t begin until the first of the players were on stage.
    Oh, it was going to work out fine, no doubt about it. Better yet now that his grandson Duncan had flown up for an impromptu visit. Bless the boy, he was just the hammer needed to nail D.C. into place.
    The fates were smiling on this particular scheme. And why shouldn’t they? he’d like to know. It was a fine scheme, a loving one. Not that he intended to take a bit of credit for it.
    And if things went well, he’d just keep his part in it nice and quiet. His family tended to become irritated at the oddest things.
    “Grandpa? You up there?”
    Daniel rubbed his hands together in anticipation and turned to smile as his daughter’s second son strolled in. A fine looking boy, Daniel thought. Tall and dark like his father, with his grandmother’s deep brown eyes and his mother’s sassiness.
    And, he thought with pride, his grandfather’s knack for gambling.
    He had plans for young Duncan, oh indeed, he did. But one thing at a time.
    Duncan angled his head and flashed his quick and cocky smile as he sniffed the air. “What, no cigar?”
    Instantly, Daniel pokered up. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
    “No.” Wise to the ways of The MacGregor, Duncan sat in the deep chair across from the desk, stretched out his long legs and slipped a cigar out of his pocket. Watching Daniel, he ran it under his nose, drawing in the scent.
    “Now then.” Daniel’s face glowed with a delighted smile. “There’s a lad.”
    “It’s mine.” Duncan clamped the cigar between his teeth, his shrewd dark eyes dancing. “But I might share if you tell me what the hell you’re up to.”
    “I’m not up to a thing. Just waiting to greet my oldest and dearest friend, and her goddaughter.”
    “The goddaughter.” Duncan took the cigar out of his mouth and pointed with it. “Who, I’m sure, is single, of marriageable age. Strong stock, Grandpa? Good blood?”
    “And if she is?”
    “I’m not interested.”
    Better and better, Daniel thought, and smiled slyly. “She’s a fine lass, Duncan. Pretty as a picture. You’d make fine babies between you, which is something you should be seeing to. Boy of your age—”
    “Just put it out of that canny mind of yours, MacGregor.” Duncan popped the cigar back in his mouth, pleased to have seen through his grandfather so quickly and easily. “I’m happy just as I am—and I’m having a fine time sampling pretty ladies. I can find my own woman.”
    “And you’ve been finding too many of them, puttering around on that gambling boat. Up and down the river, going nowhere.”
    “Have you seen the latest accounts? The
Comanche Princess
is a very profitable lady. And the only one who holds my heart.”
    “Aye, I’ve seen them. You know what you’re about, Duncan Blade, but what you need is a wife beside you and babies at your feet. Now this lass who’s coming to visit has a good head for business herself. I expect to see …” He trailed off as a movement outside caught his eye. “Ah,” he said as he turned back to the window. “Here they are now. You go down and make your how-do-you-dos.” Daniel wiggled his brows. “And see if I haven’t picked out a fine

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