Goethe called on them to do something
far less pleasant. Just because they belonged to Ty now, that didn't mean they
weren't still the Greater Demon's slaves.
Chapter six
The day didn't go fast. In fact
it kind of dragged, as far as Tyler was concerned. Oh, things were happening,
but they only loosely related to him. It got so bad, so slow, that at about ten
he actually turned the television on and watched the news. They had a nice
cable package, or at least all the channels, regardless of how it got into the
That it might have been done
illegally, well, the place was paid for by a Demon. A bit of cable theft might
just not be beyond what The Mistress of Souls was willing to do. For that
matter Ty was too, so he settled in and watched the talking heads miss the point
of what was going on for about an hour.
Just as he was about to get up
and find something else to eat, remembering that Lucy had mentioned that eating
might help take the energy load off of her as far as his healing went, there
was another knock at the door.
He looked through the peephole
this time, and found, unsurprisingly, another Greater Demon.
"Weeee." At least this
time it was just Zack, and he had a man with him who seemed far more normal. A
young guy, who only seemed a bit older than Tyler did, in looks.
Not that it meant anything.
Opening the door, he shook his head.
"Line Walker. Is
this..." He had to focus to get the name of Rebekah's friend that was
coming in. It was clear that, even being normal looking and standing out in the
full sun it was kind of clear that this man lacked the life force needed to
make him essentially yummy to Tyler. That meant he was dead, most likely.
Probably a Vampire, since he'd never met anyone that was dead and not one of
those. Just him. "Um, Jonas?"
The man stuck his right hand out
very professionally. The move was returned, since Tyler had limped to the door,
not really needing his cane any more.
He had a nice enough face. It
wasn't that he was a great looking guy, in particular, if they were going to
use television actors as the standard for that kind of thing. Almost everyone
did, so it was probably fair enough. The man had very clear skin, which the
dead tended to, and was lean enough to be attractive. That and symmetry was
about what men had going for them that way. At least until wearing makeup
became a thing for dudes.
"That's right! I didn't know
that anyone would know who I was."
"Tyler. Call me Ty. Come on
in? Rebekah isn't around."
That got Zack to smile.
"We know that one, we were
just out jogging along with the new group. They are not a quick bunch.
What they are however, is still awake and stumbling around under the full
burning light of day. It's kind of impressive. You'll be glad to know that your
group is doing well. Evan is struggling a bit, but no worse than Eve or Ginger
did on their turn. Rebekah will probably be set in a few days. She's over two
hundred, so... Scotty is younger but also doing better than the rest."
Tyler gestured for them to come
in, smiling a little.
"Cool. I didn't know that I
was going to get reports about it. Are you going to come in to observe each
day, or do I need to grill Eve for the info?"
That got him pointed at as Zack
moved into the living room. There was a happy expression to go with the move.
"That one. Unless you want
to trade for it? It seems a bit too small to be worth your while that way, to
be honest." Zack glanced at the Vampire man, who was one of the new kind
that went out in the sun and didn't have fangs, and explained. "Tyler
isn't a Greater Demon. More or less he's... I guess kind of an avatar of The
Rotted. More than a slave, but animated by her power."
That was a different way of
thinking of the whole thing than Tyler had considered before. Much nicer than
meat puppet. That always sounded a bit dirty.
"Is that why..." He
nearly didn't say it, but Zack had mentioned him having gotten the water to
trickle into the cave for the
Natalia Smirnova
Danny Parker
sam cheever
Diane Alberts
Jeremy Laszlo
David A. Adler
Ryder Stacy
E. J. Knapp
Crystal Perkins