The Line Between Here and Gone

The Line Between Here and Gone by Andrea Kane

Book: The Line Between Here and Gone by Andrea Kane Read Free Book Online
Authors: Andrea Kane
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behind his desk. Only then did Marc lower himself to the wooden chair across from him.
    “I’m flattered that Crain’s is interested in talking to me,” Morano said, setting down his coffee mug.
    “How could we not be? Real-estate prices in the vicinity are already skyrocketing in anticipation of your project. That, combined with the Shinnecock Indian Casino—it’s a windfall waiting to happen.” Marc took an appreciative gulp of coffee and then placed his cup on the desk.
    He pulled out his writing tablet, simultaneously shifting the chair around on the rickety wooden floor until it was on somewhat stable ground. Taking notes while balancing on a wobbly chair was less than optimal. “What you’re striving to accomplish here could result in a local economic boom—a rarity in today’s strained business environment.”
    “That’s exactly what my goal is.” Morano leaned forward, propping his elbows on his desk and steepling his fingers. “I can’t claim to have thought up the concept myself. But when the opportunity presented itself for me to take it over, I jumped on it.”
    “I don’t blame you.” Marc began jotting down notes. “You have an impressive real-estate development background. But nothing of this magnitude.”
    “True.” Morano nodded. He was clearly on sure footing—for now. “I’m lucky that my timing and resources made it possible for me to go forward with this project.”
    Damn, that would be the perfect segue to bring up Morano’s predecessor. But it was way too soon. Any mention of Paul Everett at this point would raise major red flags. This article was supposed to center around John Morano and his ambitious project, not the guy who’d originated the concept and laid the groundwork. Patience was essential in this all-important interview. And Marc was trained to have plenty of that.
    “Describe your ultimate vision to me,” he began instead. “How do you see the hotel in its finished state? Its layout, what kind of new luxury amenities you have in mind, that sort of thing. If you have a sketch or architectural drawings, that would be great. Next, how will your guests travel from Manhattan to here and back? And, finally, how does the new Shinnecock casino factor into the equation?”
    Morano chuckled. “In other words, tell you everything, soup to nuts.”
    “Something like that, yes.”
    “I’m not ready to release the drawings. Let’s just say that the hotel will be opulent and spectacular, even for the Hamptons. I’m having a comprehensive brochure printed up, which will describe the key architectural and design elements, as well as all the planned amenities. Simultaneously, I’ll be launching a website dedicated just to the hotel, which will include details about the entire experience, both to and from Manhattan, and to and from the casino. But it’s way too soon to be releasing all that.”
    “Right.” Marc nodded his comprehension. “If you start the buzz too soon, your prospective guests will either get impatient and pissed off or lose interest. You want maximum impact at just the right time.”
    “I couldn’t have said it better. But off the record?”
    He waited for Marc’s nod of professional courtesy before continuing. “I’m going to offer both a chartered luxury yacht service and scheduled ferry service. The former will be more picturesque and exclusive, the latter will be quicker and more frequent. That way, everyone’s needs will be provided for—those who want to savor the overall experience, and those who want to get to their destination ASAP. As for the casino, the hotel will provide private car service there and back.” A hint of a smile. “No shuttle buses, not for this crowd. Just town cars and, for those who prefer it, limos.”
    “With fully stocked bars, of course.”
    “Of course.”
    “How does the casino feel about getting barraged with this overwhelming influx of patrons?”
    “They’re thrilled. The casino is large enough to

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