The Lethal Encounter

The Lethal Encounter by Amy Alexander

Book: The Lethal Encounter by Amy Alexander Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amy Alexander
other business?”
    “Well, no, not really. I want
to come with you to Logistics France - to see if I can add anything to the
deal. I hope you don't mind.”
    “No, not at all.” Katie
responded whilst at the same time minding a lot. In fact, the last thing she
wanted was Peter here as a distraction.....and a distraction he would surely
turn out to be.
    “Great. Shall we meet for
dinner then? Say 7.30 here? See you later.” Peter moved off without waiting to
hear a reply and left Katie fuming at the desk.
    Later, in her room, she faced
a quandary. She tried to evaluate the situation with a clear head and rational
logic but she knew that she had reached a crossroads in her life and she just
did not know which way to turn.
    She could ring Peter and
politely tell him that she did not think it appropriate to go out with him -
but that would be strange. They worked for the same company, would be going to
business meetings together and he was her boss. There was just no logical
reason why she should not go to dinner. It would be obvious that Katie had a
“problem” with him.
    On the other hand, she could
go to dinner and remain in control and aloof....keeping all the chatter on a
purely business level. They would eat, talk business, touch on a few personal
details out of politeness, and then say goodnight at the end of the evening.
    There was, of course, a third
option but that thought just sent her insides into a spasm of nervousness mixed
with anticipation and desire.
    She picked up her phone and
punched Josie's name into the finder. The number flashed up and started to ring
as Katie put the handset up to her ear.
    After the fourth ring, Josie
    “Hi Katie, where are you? Are
we still on for tonight?”
    Katie realized with a guilty
start that, in all the hurry, she had forgotten to cancel her drink with Josie.
    “Oh Josie, I’m really sorry
but I'm in the south of France again. They arranged a sudden meeting and here I
am. We’ll get together as soon as I get back, I promise. Anyway I have a
problem,” replied Katie. “None other than Mr. Peter Jarvis has just walked into
the hotel and asked me out to dinner. What do I do? Help!”
    “What do you mean.....what do
I do? This is the man of your dreams.....or certainly your lusts. Go out with
him, have fun and see what happens. What is there to think about?”
    “Oh Josie, it’s not that easy.
He's my boss! Worse than that he's my bosses' bosses' boss! People are already
talking and stuff. I could lose my job over this if it got out.”
    “Well, you could but you
might have had a lot of fun doing so. Take my advice. Go out with him and run
with the flow. Anyway, you can't exactly say no, can you?” said Josie.
    “No, I suppose you are right
there, but what happens if he wants to…..? You know.”
    “Well, you're a grown up girl
aren't you? You know how things work? Go for it.”
    “OK. OK. I will.” Katie
paused, smiling to herself. “How's life your end anyway?” She knew Josie would
make her feel better and her friend was not disappointing her this time.
    “Not bad considering. Like
you I'm on the verge of have a steamy affair with the boss. Hey, maybe we
should all just get together for a happy foursome! Sorry love, I've got to go.
Have fun.”
    With that, she was gone and
Katie slowly put the phone down on the bed. Her friend was right. Of course,
she should go tonight and everything would be fine - whatever happened.
    Katie thought about the night
ahead and immediately realised that she had nothing suitable to wear. Sure, she
had brought some business suits, but left all her evening stuff behind. She had
assumed she would be either eating on the go or by herself. Oh my god! She
would have to go out and get something. It would be a disaster for her credit
card but at least she would look the part - whatever that may mean.
    She grabbed her handbag and

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