The Legend of Thunderfoot

The Legend of Thunderfoot by Bill Wallace

Book: The Legend of Thunderfoot by Bill Wallace Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bill Wallace
and . . .

Chapter 21
    â€œMy hero!”
    The voice was so loud it shook a little clump of snow from a bare creosote branch just above Thunder’s head. He gave a snort. Blowing it off his beak, he glanced up.
    Agile’eka raced toward him. Rocket was headed his way, too. He was a bit behind because he kept stopping to preen his feathers. “You are so brave, Thunder.” Agile’eka swooned. “You are so wonderful. My hero.”
    She rushed to his side, fluttered her eyelashes, and rubbed her cheek against his neck feathers. Thunder didn’t even bother to get up. “That was like totally awesome,” Rocket cooed as he strutted up. “I mean, the way you landed on that coyote’s head. Hit her so hard it jammed her nose clearunder the snow. I never saw a coyote flip over and land on her back before. Neat trick, man. You’ll have to teach me how to do that one of these days.”
    Thunder just sighed and shook his head. Agile’eka sat down and nestled against his wing. “I’m so glad you came back to me. I thought you might never return. I’ve waited so long. Now we can . . .”
    â€œWaited so long?” Thunder repeated, arching his eyebrows.
    Agile’eka blinked. “Yes. You’ve been gone over a season and . . .”
    â€œAnd you waited for me? All this time?”
    â€œWell . . . I . . . ah . . .” She stopped stammering long enough to clear her throat. “None of that matters now. You’re back. Now we can be together again—forever.”
    Frowning, Rocket strutted up, preened a wing feather, and looked at her. “What about us?” he asked.
    Agile’eka ignored him. Rubbed her beak against Thunder’s wing. “Thunder is the bravest, strongest roadrunner in all the world. I want him!”
    When Thunder stood, he gave her a little nudge to get her off the wing she was rubbing. Since hiswings were stronger than he thought, the little nudge almost sent her rolling. “Trouble is,” Thunder said, “I don’t want you.”
    â€œYou don’t want me?” Agile’eka gasped, her beak gaping wide in disbelief.
    Thunder smiled and shook his head. “Nope.”
    Eyes tight, she bristled and stared at him—but for only a moment. “Come on, Rocket,” she snapped, turning toward him and stomping off. “I hate this valley. Coyotes. Bobcats. Now it’s overcrowded. Too many roadrunners.”
    â€œBut . . . but . . .” he stammered.
    â€œOh, shut up, Rocket. Quit preening. And come on!”
    Thunder watched as they walked toward a hill to the west. It had been a long day. The noon sun was high. Most of the snow was gone from the valley. All that was left of it were stripes and patches in the shade. He sat down to relax. No sooner had he settled beneath the bush, when something nudged his foot.
    Startled, he sprang straight up. Snapping branches with his powerful hop, he crashed through the creosote bush and landed at the very top. Looked down.
    There was a digging sound. Snow caved in beneath the footprints where he sat. Berland’s head, feet, and shell popped through. “Guess you’re a little smarter than I gave you credit for, kid.”
    â€œGetting rid of Agile’eka. Smart move. You hadn’t been gone a day when she started flirting with Brisk. When he wouldn’t have anything to do with her, she started in on Rocket. And even after they hitched up, she was after every roadrunner who happened to wander through this valley. Never seen anything like that gal. You’re better off without her.”
    â€œI know,” Thunder said with a sigh, hopping down to sit beside his friend. Still . . . inside . . . he felt a bit sad and lonely.
    â€œSo how you been doing? Looks like you’ve been eating well. Ever find your

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