The Last Sherlock Holmes Story

The Last Sherlock Holmes Story by Michael Dibdin

Book: The Last Sherlock Holmes Story by Michael Dibdin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michael Dibdin
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    ‘It can be done.’
    ‘It must be done, and done consummately! I shall call at the Yard this afternoon at five with details of such measures as I consider necessary. In the meantime you must summon every available man on the force and have them ready to commence duty at midnight.’
    The official scratched his ear uneasily.
    ‘I’ll certainly do whatever I can, Mr Holmes. I am quite happy to accept your lead myself, you understand, but my superiors –’
    ‘Will back you all the way. You may be interested to learn that I now enjoy the rank of Acting Chief Inspector in your own division. As you said, criticism of the way the police have been handling this affair extends to the highest quarters. My brother Mycroft informed me last week that it was the wish of one more accustomed to command that I should exert my energies in this regard. It has been my pleasure as well as my duty to obey. I made it a condition, however, that I might implement just such measures as I have mentioned. The appropriate arrangements have been made, and you need therefore have no qualms about carrying out my instructions.’
    ‘Very good, Mr Holmes. I quite understand. I’ll expect you about five, sir. Good day.’
    Never had I seen Lestrade so amenable. Holmes had also remarked the change in the policeman’s manner.
    ‘By Jove, Watson!’ said he, once we were alone again. ‘If this ghastly business has achieved nothing else, it seems at least to have taught the Yard its natural limits. However, I have no very lively hopes that the effect will last. And now would you be so good as to summon ourlandlady? I am in urgent need of a bath, some hot food, and a few hours’ undisturbed sleep. I have been deprived of all three just lately. In fact it has been quite an eventful week, what with one thing and another. One of my little “Holmes from home” was set alight in the early hours of yesterday morning. No great damage was done, but I lost my night’s sleep in consequence.’
    ‘Good God! You mean the fire was deliberately started?’
    ‘I think we may assume so, in view of the three other attempts that have been made on my life recently. Any other hypothesis would seem to introduce a monstrous factor of sheer coincidence. Professor Moriarty is not a man to let grass grow under his feet! He first attempted to run me down with a delivery van. My reactions were too quick, but shortly thereafter a brick fell from a building as I was passing and almost scrambled my brains. His latest effort was delegated. I was walking down a secluded street in Islington late last night, when a pair of ruffians assaulted me with cudgels.’
    ‘What did I tell you? You should have kept me at your side! You might have been killed!’
    ‘Oh, they weren’t very competent ruffians. I exercised some of my singlestick skills on them. One fled and the other succumbed. I barked my knuckles, as you see, but I’m otherwise none the worse.’
    ‘But next time he will send more men, and better! You must have protection, Holmes! You must not go out alone! I absolutely forbid it!’
    Holmes smiled at my vehemence.
    ‘My dear fellow! In a moment you will be saying: “As your physician –” But you need not distress yourself. Moriarty does not mean to kill me yet.’
    ‘But you told me
    ‘I told you that there have been attempts on my life. Attempts, Watson! If Moriarty wanted me killed, I shouldbe reposing in some gutter by now. No, he only means to keep me on my guard. He is playing for his life after all. It would hardly be fair if I did not stand to lose as much.’
    I shook my head in disapproval.
    ‘I do not see how you can speak of playing fair with this kind of man. Why do you allow him his sport? Why do you delay? Why not tell Lestrade and have him arrested? Then we shall all be safe – you, me, and all these poor women.’
    ‘I understand your feelings, Watson. I have felt the same. But it cannot be. How can we arrest Moriarty? What grounds

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