The Last Goodbye (The Women of Independence)

The Last Goodbye (The Women of Independence) by Mona Ingram

Book: The Last Goodbye (The Women of Independence) by Mona Ingram Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mona Ingram
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you could do
me a favour.”
    He gave her a tentative smile, and came
    “I promised Mr. Crawford that I’d let
him know when I’ll be out at Silverton, and I don’t see him around. Would you
please tell him that I’ve been delayed, and probably won’t get there until noon?”
    He made a note on his clipboard. “Noon.”
    “Yes. He’s not too keen about me working
alone out there.” Kevin didn’t need to know all this, but she was still in
shock, and she was babbling.
    He looked up sharply. “Is it dangerous
out there?” Something glittered in his eyes.
    “Not really,” she said, waving a hand in
front of her face. “He’s just protective.”
    He tapped the clipboard with the pen.
“I’ll tell him when I see him, Miss Flynn.”
    She drove on, puzzled. When had he
become friendly? She really didn’t understand these people.
    * * *
    Sean was alone at the breakfast table
when Carmen came down. The producer looked up, smiled, and went back to reading
a report. She could always count on him to be discreet, but she imagined that
her relationship with Jake was old news by now. The fact was, she didn’t care
if everyone knew. The realization was freeing; she poured herself a cup of
coffee and headed for the verandah, leaving Sean in peace to study his reports.
She didn’t look for Jake, having left his room a couple of hours previously.
He’d already left for a business appointment in town.
    A light breeze ruffled the surface of
the lake, but only a few wispy clouds marred the perfection of the summer sky.
Grayson would get the lighting he desired.
    She checked her watch and noted that she
had an hour and a half before she was due in hair and makeup. Punctuality was
important to her; she didn’t care how others behaved, she was always on time.
    Time. She sipped Esperanza’s excellent
coffee and counted the hours. She’d received a call from her agent this
morning; she’d been offered the part, and had two days in which to respond.
Forty-eight hours to make a decision that would affect the rest of her life.
    She and Jake had been so busy enjoying
each other’s bodies they hadn’t had time for discussions about the future.
Besides, they’d only known each other a few days... hardly enough time for
declarations of everlasting love.
    Or was it? She felt in her heart that
she knew Jake better, and loved him more deeply than any man she’d ever met.
Was that possible? It seemed unlikely, and yet instinct told her...
    “Penny for your thoughts.”
    “Oh, Sean. I didn’t hear you.” He stood
on the other side of the screen door. She motioned to the chair beside her.
“Come on out, if you have time.”
    He eased his tall frame into the rocking
chair. “You looked so serious out here. I wasn’t sure if I should disturb you.”
Keen eyes watched her carefully.
    She traced the pattern on the coffee mug
for a moment without really seeing it. “I’m at a bit of a crossroads here.”
    He raised his eyebrows. It was one of
the things she liked about him. He may be powerful, but he didn’t feel the need
to impose his will, or to talk all the time. Sort of like Jake.
    “I got the call this morning.” She
glanced at him and he nodded his understanding.
    “This is the last part to be cast.
They’ve given me two days to accept.”
    He watched a hummingbird for a moment as
it hovered by the feeder. “Have you told Jake about the part?” He frowned.
“This is about Jake, isn’t it?”
    He continued to rock. “What does your
gut tell you?”
    “It’s so full of butterflies, I can’t
tell.” She looked down at her lap, where she’d been twisting the fabric of her
skirt. “I’m afraid, Sean.”
    He laughed, but it came out as more of a
bark. “Jesus, Carmen. When it comes to love, we’re all afraid. Don’t you know that
by now?” His smile belied his harsh words. “We’re all afraid,” he repeated
softly. “We’re afraid the other person doesn’t love us as much as we love

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