The Knight of Her Dreams (Dragons and Dreamphasers)

The Knight of Her Dreams (Dragons and Dreamphasers) by Jen Robyn

Book: The Knight of Her Dreams (Dragons and Dreamphasers) by Jen Robyn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jen Robyn
smiled, unwilling to give away the
tricks of his trade so easily.  “As to the space issue, it must have to do with
the local alien threats to the galaxy.  As to why we’re both here, I can only
assume Fate conspired to bring us together.”
    “Hmmm, remind me to have a long talk with Fate
when I get back home to Earth,” she murmured.  “Or should I say a long argument over messing around with a person’s life?”
    “Don’t look at me,” he laughed, gesturing
innocence.  “I’m sure I know as much as you do as to why we’re here.  Too many
sci-fi novels I suppose.”
    Julianna quirked one eyebrow at that.  Sci-fi
novels... for some reason that triggered a chord.  But what would they have to
do with why she was suddenly on a spaceship now, let alone stuck with this most
infuriating man?
    “Cheer up,” he said brightly.  “At least you’re
not alone anymore.”
    “Except for you,” she retorted.  “I’m not so sure
that’s much safer.  I’d probably be better off captured by aliens.”  Her words
trailed off as she walked to sit beside the observation port to gaze at the
    An apt choice of words , thought Dominick, considering that we are both aliens from different worlds .  Although of course she didn’t know of
his real identity on Chavernos.  As to the capturing part, he might not mind
doing so with this particular auburn-haired alien!
    With her attention distracted, he was free to
appraise her new attire, and it was a change he certainly approved of.  If the
gown she’d worn yesterday enhanced her surface beauty, this new spacesuit she
wore emphasized what the gown had hidden.  Presenting a problem all its own, since
the damned outfit left relatively nothing to the imagination as far as her
shapely body was concerned.  One he’d like to be holding right now, and
kissing, and caressing, and…
    Shaking his head as he remembered Chaolyn’s
words, Dominick moved to sit beside her.  “Julianna, I didn’t follow you here
to upset you.  I merely wanted the opportunity to get to know you better.”
    Her warm brown eyes looked up at that.  “Why?”
    “Why?” he exclaimed.  “Why not?  You’re a
beautiful, intriguing woman who haunts my waking hours.  I couldn’t stop
thinking about you all day today.”
    Her brow wrinkled, and she was about to ask where
he’d been earlier.
    “You there!” boomed an unfamiliar voice, earning
the attention of both instantly.
    A man walked up, followed by a few others, all
dressed in similar attire to their own, albeit with different colored stripes,
no doubt to signify rank or job assignments.  The one who’d spoken was tall,
apparently in charge, and wore an outfit with unique symbols along with
corresponding black and silver stripes.
    “What are you doing just sitting there?” he
demanded.  “You should be at your posts.  We need all hands to help speed our
departure to get as far away from the Warp Zone as possible.”
    For some strange reason, the words sounded
familiar, yet Julianna couldn’t place them.  “What’s the Warp Zone?”
    The man sighed.  “A place our scientists should
never have felt the need to study, since now we’re being pulled towards it.”
    “As in a black hole?” inquired Dominick.
    “Seemingly yes, but our scientists don’t believe
that’s what it is.  They feel the Warp Zone is a safe conduit to
another location, akin to bypassing light years in a quick jump.  But their
information is all theoretical, and they didn’t count on it having a similar
gravitational pull to a black hole or a planet.  They were going to study it first.”  The last he sneered.
    “Scientific leaps cannot be made without such
attempts,” said a small voice, capturing the attention of all.  He was a man
slighter of build, holding a foreign device.
    “No offense, Landers, but this from someone who’s
convinced himself he’s found a way to deal with the Rengar.  Last I checked,
those weapon prototypes of

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