The King and the Courtesan

The King and the Courtesan by Angela Walker

Book: The King and the Courtesan by Angela Walker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Angela Walker
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said another.
    “Mr. Gunn, we did exactly that three months ago. I understand technology moves quickly, but I’m not going to throw a few million around every three months because of a feeling. I want proof that it’s needed before we start making extravagant expenditures.”
    Mr. Gunn grew defensive. “We can’t afford
. Once our system is breeched, we will get the proof, but by then it will be too late.”
    “What I’m interested in,” Ezekiel said firmly, “is focusing more attention on our workforce. I understand the need for secure computer systems, but you can’t blackmail or extort a computer, nor can you offer them a fortune for information. I want to make absolutely sure we have no human leaks. You’ve clearly ignored
suggestions on the matter—”
    “Of course I haven’t, Ezekiel—”
    “Then why are there still leaks?” Now Ezekiel’s arm curled behind me, and he rested his hand on the small of my back. “You men
don’t understand the human mentality like I do. You can control anyone through fear. Have I not stressed this? Scare someone enough, and all the money in the world won’t matter to them. Now, you
the leaks like I told you to, and you make every goddamn person in that warehouse watch it.” For a moment, his eyes lit up. Then the fire died away and he returned to his usual aloofness. “It’s that simple.”
    The men all glanced at each other, then nodded. Ezekiel’s grip on me had gone from casual to possessive, and I tried to quell the fear I felt. I didn’t want him to feel me trembling. In an effort to hide my apprehension, I slipped an arm around his shoulders. A satisfactory smirk slipped across his face and lit up those cold blue eyes.
    After a few more minutes of their Q&A session, the men were escorted out of the room by a few of Ezekiel’s forgettable henchmen, all of whom must snack on steroids like candy. They closed the door behind them and I was left in Ezekiel’s office, nearly in the lap of my employer.
    Ezekiel stared ahead, completely motionless. I was afraid to say anything, afraid to move.
    Ezekiel reached for a glass of wine and sipped at it.
    “Want any?” he asked softly.
    I shook my head. “I’m all right.”
    “Not much of a drinker?” His gaze rose to meet mine, but his head didn’t move.
    “I enjoy more dangerous addictions.”
    A smirk crawled up his lips. “Of course. Now, stand. I’m getting up.”
    I scrambled off his chair, and he stretched himself to his full height. Everything was buttoned and tucked in his outfit, not a lace or string out of its place. His shoes were shined, his suit pressed to perfection. If he stood still, he could pass as a wax figure. Of course, his eyes would ruin that illusion. They were anything but glassy and dead.
    Ezekiel drained his glass of wine and set it down on the stand by his chair. “Well, then, Melissa. Roger has informed me that he took you shopping.”
    I nodded apprehensively. Roger must have already told him about my excursions thus far. All of my trips had been rather innocuous, so I hadn’t expected them to be of interest to a man like Ezekiel.
    “I hope you amused yourself,” Ezekiel said. “Women like that, right? Shopping?”
    “Um, well…” Personally, I wasn’t a huge fan, as I’d spent most of my life
spending money. Some habits were hard to break. But I imagined Ezekiel didn’t care about the real answer, so I told him what he wanted to hear. “Yes. I had fun.”
    “Good. I should send Rosa with you at some point. I trust her, seeing as she cleaned you up so well. She has a good eye for class.”
    I could only nod. I didn’t know what to say.
    “Would you like that?” he asked, turning his head and gazing at me.
    “Yes. I like Rosa.”
    “Excellent.” He pondered a moment. “You also took a stop at Metro, is that correct? Several stops, in fact.”
    I gulped, bowed my head, and clasped my hands tightly in front of me. “Yes,” I

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