The Judge
taking place and the portal being opened. Cell phones were soon out, clicking pictures and recording the paranormal.
    Police sirens were close now. Car doors were slammed, and through the fog, Connor could hear officers yelling to civilians to stand back.
    “We’ll finish this. Not here. Not now. But the day is coming soon. I promise,” Connor said, staring at Vercin with anger.
    The doctor didn’t even struggle as Connor pushed him through the portal. Morrigan followed. Orion took a step toward the open door to The Island.
    Connor realized too late that Vercin was allowing them to go. It was all too easy. A sick realization that he had played right into the power hungry Elite’s hands hit him. He turned around to shout but all he saw before the door closed was Orion being drug back from the portal. Vercin had enough time for a parting comment before the portal snapped shut, “Just like chess, always plan four moves ahead.”
    The portal closed with a snap.
    “Morrigan, go back. We have to go back,” Connor said, releasing his grip on the doctor.
    Shock was clear on the sorceress’ face. In a very un-Morrigan way, she said, “We can’t.”
    “What do you mean we can’t? They have Orion. Who knows what they’re going to do to him. Not to mention they have a way onto The Island now.”
    “Orion was the only reason I was able to create a portal. The ferryman is the only one that can bring people to and from The Island.”
    Connor felt helpless as more and more questions piled onto an already dire situation. Morrigan had sent them back to the palace through the portal. They had stepped into the courtyard that was home to visiting Elites.
    These Elites were now coming to see what had happened. Bright eyes met the group in every direction. More than anything, Connor wanted to scream his frustration. But he knew he had to bottle his anger and fear.
    There were so many things that needed his attention. His mother looked like she was going to faint at any moment, his father was still unconscious, Orion had been captured because he had failed, and the doctor was looking around the group like a frightened child. All of this was coupled with Connor’s own appearance. Burn marks covered his torso and blood dripped from the sword wound that was already healing, closing on his chest.
    You can do this. One thing at a time. You have friends that will help you. Choose a direction and start moving forward. Don’t panic, you can’t panic.
    An awkward silence moved over the group. Everyone looked to Connor to tell them what to do. Then, like a life preserver in a sea of silence, a familiar voice broke the stillness. “Mrs. Moore, is that you?” Katie broke free of the crowd and ran to give Connor’s mother a hug.
    Lu walked forward with a nod in Connor’s direction, followed by Kora and Miyanda. “You look horrible. Did you get bar-b-qued? Are those blood and burn marks on your shirt? What do you need us to do?”
    Connor wasn’t an emotional person by nature but for a second he thought he could cry with relief. He had never been so happy to see Lu. He actually laughed out loud. “Yeah, it’s blood. Lu, I want you to meet the doctor who is responsible for turning Laren human. Can you take him to a holding cell and get him to work right away? He has also recently agreed to create an antidote for her.”
    A dark shadow covered Lu’s face. “I’d love to.”
    The doctor gave out a slight whimper as Lu took him by the arm.
    “Kora, my father is hurt—”
    “Say no more. Miyanda, will you help me?”
    The dark skinned Amazonian nodded and together they lifted Caderyn.
    Connor turned next to his mother. He could only imagine what was running through her mind. His worry was washed away in a second as he saw Katie taking her by the hand. “You’re going to be so proud of Connor once you realize what’s going on. I know it’s a ton to take in, but I’ll try and give you all the details. I just found out I was a

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