has torn apart your friends. The Elite King may want you alive… maybe.”
Connor’s breath was coming in labored gasps. He knew what he had to do. He knew what he needed to do if he was going to survive the next few minutes. When the fight started, he had grabbed onto the force inside of him just like before. But he knew he was controlling the animal inside. He wasn’t willing to give fully into his Elite gene until now. There was the chance he would lose control, but it was a chance he would have to take.
Connor closed his eyes and said a silent prayer. Clenching fanged teeth, he let go. He let go of control. He allowed the power to consume him. He struggled to remember who he was and why he was there. Images of his mother, his father, friends, but most of all, Laren, crossed through his mind as the power inside sought to overwhelm him.
The power enticed him. It tempted him to join in the revelry of being invincible but Connor was able to acknowledge the power without letting it control him. He accepted it rather than lusted after more.
Tingling with strength, Connor’s eyes snapped open. The doctor must have realized what was happening because panic filled his face. He pushed down with both hands on the hilt of his sword.
Connor roared as rage lent him its strength. Connor grabbed the sword blade that was sticking through his chest. Steel split his skin. Blood oozed from between his fingers as he forced the blade through his body. Ignoring the pain, he slowly rose to his feet.
The doctor stumbled backwards as he witnessed the rise of the Judge. Connor regained his feet, tearing the sword out of his body. His chest was heaving as he stalked toward the doctor. Lifting the Elite up by one arm, Connor very calmly spoke to the doctor, who now looked like nothing more than a frightened old man. “You are going to reverse what you did to Laren. You will find a cure. Do you understand me?”
The doctor gulped, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he nodded at a high rate. “Oh—yes—yes—of course.”
Connor could feel his arms, his whole body tremble with the newfound power. At the same moment, a noise began to rise above the clamor of the battle, sirens.
It was clear that their fight had gone on much too long. Connor knew they had to leave now. Doctor in tow, Connor headed back to the fight. What met his eyes was anything but what he expected.
Chapter 19
Caderyn was on the asphalt road in a puddle of his own blood. His body limp. Zhang and Orion stood over him in a protective stance bleeding from their own wounds. Vercin stood staring at them both. Everyone looked like they had been in a train wreck except for Vercin. He stood tall with his shoulders back, smiling.
Morrigan and Julie had also separated at the sound of the sirens. The mist was all but gone as Connor rushed to his father’s side.
Connor said a silent thank you as Caderyn’s chest moved up and down. Blood ran from his father’s face and his left arm was twisted past its normal range of motion.
“Connor, we must go,” Morrigan said, standing beside him. “Zheng, get Rebecca.”
The King of The Island nodded and was gone in a second. Orion and Morrigan locked hands and a portal appeared to The Island. Connor still held a firm grip on the doctor.
“Going so soon?” Vercin said. “I thought we were just getting started?”
More than anything, Connor wanted a piece of Vercin. He wanted to go over and teach the bully that not everyone was afraid of him. A quick glance around him told Connor this was impossible.
Zheng was ushering a white-faced Rebecca Moore through the portal. Pete and Joe were dragging his unconscious father through the portal with strong but gentle jaws.
Connor couldn’t help but notice a crowed of spectators gathering. Men and women squinted through the dissipating fog to see what was holding up traffic. Heads craned and mouths dropped as they caught a glimpse of the fight
Natalia Smirnova
Danny Parker
sam cheever
Diane Alberts
Jeremy Laszlo
David A. Adler
Ryder Stacy
E. J. Knapp
Crystal Perkins