The Islanders

The Islanders by Katherine Applegate Page B

Book: The Islanders by Katherine Applegate Read Free Book Online
Authors: Katherine Applegate
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even to enjoy talking to him, and then pretend that she couldn’t stand him later.
    Lucas grinned crookedly. It was meant to look tough and indifferent, but the corner of his mouth collapsed a little. “I’m a big boy,” he said. “I can handle it.”
    â€œNo one can handle it,” Zoey said. “You can’t live life totally cut off.”
    Suddenly she stopped. She had reached for him without thinking. Her hand, dripping with sugar glaze from the roll, was covering his. Slowly, Lucas’s fingers entwined around hers. Neither of them was breathing. Zoey’s heart was beating so loudly she was sure he could hear it.
    â€œI . . . I got you all sticky,” Zoey said, her voice a squeaky gasp.
    Lucas raised their locked hands to his lips. He brought her sugary index finger to his mouth. His eyes were nearly closed, his every movement in slow motion.
    The doorbell rang. Zoey snatched her hand away. He withdrew his as well.
    â€œThe door,” Zoey said breathlessly. “Probably Nina.”
    â€œI’ll leave through the back,” Lucas said.
    â€œYou don’t have to—”
    â€œYes,” he said regretfully, “I do.” He turned away as the doorbell rang a second time. At the back door he paused, looking down at the knob. “Thanks,” he said. And then he was gone.

    THE FRONT DOORBELL RANG A third time before Zoey reached it. She hoped Lucas was smart enough not to let Nina see him as he climbed back up the hill. “I’m coming, Nina,” she muttered. “Jeez, hang on a minute.”
    She paused for a moment, closed her eyes, and tried to catch her breath. Nina knew her too well. She might easily notice the furious blush on her neck.
    Zoey opened the door. Her breath caught in her chest. Claire stood there, looking grim. A few steps behind her, looking uncomfortable, was Jake.
    â€œClaire?” Zoey asked. And then, in a more suspicious tone, “Jake?”
    â€œMorning, Zoey,” Claire said coolly. “Do you mind if we come in?”
    We ? As in Claire-and-Jake we ? Zoey held open the door. Claire glided past. Jake came up and leaned forward to plant a light kiss on her cheek. She sent him a questioning look, but hejust shrugged and made a point of pressing on, like he was in a hurry to get past her.
    Claire led the way to the family room, as if she were in her own home escorting guests. She seemed to be barely suppressing some urgent need, but intent on acting in control. She sat on an easy chair, legs crossed like a man, arms wide. A forced smile on her lips was betrayed by a cold, dangerous light in her eyes.
    Jake flopped on the couch, alternately scowling and averting his eyes. He shifted every few seconds, uncomfortable with himself, yet clearly sullen and angry as well.
    Zoey stood with her arms crossed, looking from one to the other. There was no point in pretending that this little visit was normal.
    â€œWhat’s up?” Zoey demanded.
    Claire affected a casual shrug. “We just wanted to talk to you.”
    Again with the we.
    â€œYou. And Jake. At nine forty-five in the morning.”
    Claire made a show of noticing Zoey’s nightshirt. “I hope we didn’t wake you up.”
    â€œNo, I was up,” Zoey said.
    â€œWon’t you sit down?” Claire asked, motioning toward the couch.
    Jake patted the cushion beside him.
    â€œExcuse me, both of you, but this is my house,” Zoey said. “I’ll decide whether I want to sit down or not. Now, I haven’t had a shower yet, and I’m not up for a long discussion about the weather, so why don’t you two tell me what’s on your minds?”
    Claire met her gaze and held it, her black-on-black eyes boring into Zoey’s. Zoey looked away, then looked back.
    â€œI think you know what this is about,” Claire said. “My little sister isn’t a very good liar, you know. She said she spoke to Lucas,

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