The I.P.O.

The I.P.O. by Dan Koontz

Book: The I.P.O. by Dan Koontz Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dan Koontz
Tags: Fiction, Suspense, Mystery, Retail
drying up game play on the site almost completely.
    The ten-year deadline was approaching in a matter of days, and the company was itching to take the game offline permanently and purge all of their data.  This was as secure a mode of communication as the sender could come up with on short notice without revealing his identity or creating any permanent log of their conversation.  After this, if things went well, they’d have to figure something else out.
    That night Ryan loaded the game onto his computer and entered multi-player mode.  Per his instructions, he created a princess character by the name of Hot4Higs and entered the cheat code he’d been provided to gain access to the higher levels.
    After navigating around the ridiculous game for half an hour, killing dinosaurs and aliens with the invincibility afforded him by his cheat code, he finally stumbled upon the The Time Traveler’s Portal, which was the designated meeting point.
    And there he waited.  At first he could hardly contain his excitement.  But his anticipation gradually turned to boredom as he waited for VillagePariah to show.  Every few minutes he glanced down at the bottom left corner of the screen to see how many other players were online.  Each time, the answer was the same: zero. 
    After nearly an hour had passed, the number of other online players suddenly blinked to 1.  Ryan sat up straight in his chair.  Then, from the right edge of his screen he saw a burly armor-clad warrior approaching, the moniker above him flashing "VillagePariah.”
    "VillagePariah is requesting to chat.  Do you accept?" read a message in the center of his screen.  Ryan anxiously looked back at his bedroom door, making sure it was still closed, and clicked yes.  A text box popped up at the upper left corner of the screen.
    VillagePariah: Hello
    Hot4Higs: Hi
    VillagePariah: Can you please delete the picture of the handwritten note on your digital frame?
    Hot4Higs: Done.
    VillagePariah: Good.  one more thing.  the black writing on your mom’s purple shirt that gave you the amazon address... it’s actually the photo AFTER the one with her teaching you to ride a bike.  I superimposed it with an animation effect. I can’t actually edit or delete photos remotely – can only add them.  can you delete that one too?
    Hot4Higs: Done.
    VillagePariah: Thx.  those frames have no permanent memory.  when you delete files, they’re gone – unlike text messages or emails. This game sucks doesn’t it?
    Hot4Higs: Big time.  I guess there’s a reason only 2 people on earth are playing it.  what’s this about?
    VillagePariah: I think we may have something in common.  what do you know about Avillage?
    Hot4Higs: Its a stock exchange for orphans – like I used to be
    VillagePariah: Like WE used to be
    Hot4Higs: You’re on the exchange too?
    VillagePariah: Yep.  I’m glad you already know about it.  that makes this easier.
    Hot4Higs: Let me guess... Dillon?
    VillagePariah: Why do you say that?
    Hot4Higs: I’ve tracked down about half the exchange.  you’re – i mean Dillon is a computer guy.  and look what you made me name my smokin hot princess character
    VillagePariah: Not bad.  that was supposed to be an inside joke to myself.  anyway, I have ALL the names matched with ALL the symbols on the exchange. I want to end Avillage – get rid of it.  not just for me.  for everybody.
    Hot4Higs: Why?
    VillagePariah: They’re evil.  they’re manipulating things behind the scenes.  taking away our freedom – and of course our money
    Hot4Higs: They definitely manipulate things, but I’m not sure they’re evil.  I’ve actually got things pretty good
    VillagePariah: That’s what a neutered dog in a fenced in yard would say too.  trust me.  I’ve been all through their private intranet.  there’s nothing concrete, but there’s smoke everywhere. I need you with me, Ryan
    Hot4Higs: Why?
    VillagePariah: Because you’re the poster child.  you’re the

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