at right, front , MARGIE and PEARL are arranging the cake and presents, and ROCKY stands by them. All of them, with the exception of CHUCK and ROCKY , have had plenty to drink and show it, but no one, except HUGO , seems to be drunk. They are trying to act up in the spirit of the occasion but there is something forced about their manner, an undercurrent of nervous irritation and preoccupation .
Standing back from the piano to regard the flower effect .
How’s dat, Kid?
Grumpily .
What de hell do I know about flowers?
Yuh can see dey’re pretty, can’t yuh, yuh big dummy?
Mollifyingly .
Yeah, Baby, sure. If yuh like ’em, dey’re aw right wid me.
CORA goes back to give the schooner of flowers a few more touches .
Admiring the cake .
Some cake, huh, Poil? Lookit! Six candles. Each for ten years.
When do we light de candles, Rocky?
Grumpily .
Ask dat bughouse Hickey. He’s elected himself boss of dis boithday racket. Just before Harry comes down, he says. Den Harry blows dem out wid one breath, for luck. Hickey was goin’ to have sixty candles, but I says, Jees, if de old guy took dat big a breath, he’d croak himself.
Challengingly .
Well, anyways, it’s some cake, ain’t it?
Without enthusiasm .
Sure, it’s aw right by me. But what de hell is Harry goin’ to do wid a cake? If he ever et a hunk, it’d croak him.
Jees, yuh’re a dope! Ain’t he, Margie?
A dope is right!
Stung .
You broads better watch your step or—
Defiantly .
Or what?
Yeah! Or what?
They glare at him truculently .
Say, what de hell’s got into youse? It’ll be twelve o’clock and Harry’s boithday before long. I ain’t lookin’ for no trouble.
Ashamed .
Aw, we ain’t neider, Rocky.
For the moment this argument subsides .
Over her shoulder to CHUCK — acidly .
A guy what can’t see flowers is pretty must be some dumbbell.
Yeah? Well, if I was as dumb as you—
Then mollifyingly .
Jees, yuh got your scrappin’ pants on, ain’t yuh?
Grins goodnaturedly .
Hell, Baby, what’s eatin’ yuh? All I’m tinkin’ is, flowers is dat louse Hickey’s stunt. We never had no flowers for Harry’s boithday before. What de hell can Harry do wid flowers? He don’t know a cauliflower from a geranium.
Yeah, Chuck, it’s like I’m tellin’ dese broads about de cake. Dat’s Hickey’s wrinkle, too.
Bitterly .
Jees, ever since he woke up, yuh can’t hold him. He’s taken on de party like it was his boithday.
Well, he’s payin’ for everything, ain’t he?
Aw, I don’t mind de boithday stuff so much. What gets my goat is de way he’s tryin’ to run de whole dump and everyone in it. He’s buttin’ in all over de place, tellin’ everybody where dey get off. On’y he don’t really tell yuh. He just keeps hintin’ around.
Yeah. He was hintin’ to me and Margie.
Yeah, de lousy drummer.
He just gives yuh an earful of dat line of bull about yuh got to be honest wid yourself and not kid yourself, and have de guts to be what yuh are. I got sore. I told him dat’s aw right for de bums in dis dump. I hope he makes dem wake up. I’m sick of listenin’ to dem hop demselves up. But it don’t go wid me, see? I don’t kid myself wid no pipe dream.
PEARL and MARGIE exchange a derisive look. He catches it and his eyes narrow .
What are yuh grinnin’ at?
Her face hard — scornfully .
It better be nuttin’! Don’t let Hickey put no ideas in your nuts if you wanta stay healthy!
Then angrily .
I wish de louse never showed up! I hope he don’t come back from de delicatessen. He’s gettin’ everyone nuts. He’s ridin’ someone every minute. He’s got Harry and Jimmy Tomorrow run ragged, and de rest is hidin’ in deir rooms so dey won’t have to listen to him. Dey’re all actin’
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