The Ice Warriors

The Ice Warriors by Brian Hayles

Book: The Ice Warriors by Brian Hayles Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brian Hayles
Tags: Science-Fiction
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    ‘And what does Clent say?’
    ‘You know how proud he is. But his back’s to the wall. Sooner or later he’s going to have to make his report to the World Authority…’
    ‘So sooner than have to admit failure, he’d like me back so he can produce a scapegoat! No thanks – let him face the music himself!’
    ‘It was never easy. It’s ten times worse now. Arden’s made a fantastic discovery in the glacier.’ She took a deep breath and stared at Penley. ‘Aliens.’
    To her surprise, Penley didn’t even smile. He leant forward, his eyes keenly interested. ‘Of course!’ he exclaimed. ‘It must be alien! That thing could never be an Earth hybrid or a throw-back!’ He saw her look of surprise, and explained, ‘I’ve seen it, you understand, at close range – working at the ice face, blasting great chunks free!’
    There was a small silence before Jan spoke again; this time her voice sounded strained. ‘We think there may be an alien spaceship buried inside the ice,’ continued Jan, ‘and if it contains a nuclear power source…’
    She didn’t need to say any more. But Penley’s brutal answer shook her.
    ‘Then Clent’s got no option, has he? He daren’t use the Ioniser any more. He’ll have to evacuate!’
    Jan’s anger flared. ‘You know what’s at stake! Five thousand years of civilisation! Clent won’t give that up – none of us will! Even you can’t deny what we’re here for!’ She paused, trying to control her anger. ‘Doesn’t our civilisation mean
to you?’
    ‘I know what it means to Clent!’ replied Penley sharply. ‘It’s a computerised ant heap! Well I’m a man – not a machine! I’d sooner live with the Ice Age than with
sort of robot universe!’
    He paused for breath. Jan took out her tranquilliser gun and pointed it straight at him. ‘You must be desperate,’ he remarked. ‘But it’ll do no good. You’ll never manage to carry me even as far as your airsled.’
    ‘I’m willing to try,’ she said, then yelped with pain as Storr knocked the weapon sharply from her numbed hand. She turned, stared at Penley’s savage-faced companion, and drew back nervously, holding her wrist. ‘Who… are you?’ she whispered.
    ‘A friend,’ said Penley, picking up the gun before Storr could reach it. ‘You’ve said enough, Jan. Now leave us in peace. I’m not coming back with you – that’s final.’
    Storr turned on Penley. ‘You’re not letting her walk out of here just like that! Once she gets back there, she’ll have this place swarming with security!’ Desperate for a weapon, Storr snatched up a knife – but Penley’s voice brought him to a halt.
    ‘Storr – no!’ The gun was pointing at Storr now. He dropped the knife back on to the table.
    ‘It’s the only way!’
    ‘It’s not my way – or yours,’ replied Penley calmly, then switched his gaze to Jan. ‘She won’t give us away. I’m sure of that.’
    ‘I give you my word…’ Jan said quietly.
    Storr turned away, disgusted by Penley’s weakness. ‘I don’t trust any of them,’ snarled the burly hunter, ‘whatever they say!’
    Penley pointed to the door with the gun. ‘Return to Base, Miss Garrett.’
    ‘And wait for Doomsday,’ she murmured with a resigned shrug of her shoulders. She gave him one last look, then moved to the door while Penley held the screening skin to one side. For a brief moment they were out of earshot of Storr, and Penley took his opportunity quickly.
    ‘If you still have trouble from the Ioniser,’ he murmured, handing Jan back the gun, look up my notes on the Omega Factor. Good luck…’
    He pushed her outside into the snow, and returned to the warmth of the stove. Storr was standing by it, his face unusually thoughtful.
    ‘These aliens,’ he brooded. ‘They really exist, then…’
    Penley was too preoccupied with his own thoughts to wonder at the fact that Storr was expressing such interest in what was, after all, a scientific

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