The Horse Soldier: Beginnings Series Book 10

The Horse Soldier: Beginnings Series Book 10 by Jacqueline Druga

Book: The Horse Soldier: Beginnings Series Book 10 by Jacqueline Druga Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jacqueline Druga
shit. You got that? I don’t. Did I or did I not tell you I would help you.”
    “Then I will. I’m not letting you do this blind, Henry,” Joe explained. “And I’m certainly going to help you even after I’m retired so don’t let it stress you out. How far away will I be if there is a problem?”
    “Not very?”
    “Exactly.” Joe pulled out a cigarette. “Now, why don’t you and I start right now. O.K., tell me where all this pressure seems to be coming from about being a leader and I’ll see if I can help you through it.” He leaned forward with his elbows on the desk in a listening mode.
    “Thanks Joe.” Henry said with such relief and he sat up straight. “I think it all started when I was in the fourth grade. See I was chosen to be our art project group leader . . .”
    Joe’s head fell forward to the desk.
    It had to be the sight of Ellen that set Dean’s mind off. More so it was the sight of Ellen talking to Reverend Bob and Dean knew what she was talking about. Ellen smiled. Not good. And Dean had failed to take her seriously. What a bad move. He rummaged through his mind what needed to be said to her, yet every time, since the disagreement hours earlier, that Dean tried to talk to her about it, she switched the subject. When he asked why she did that, Ellen told him that she wouldn’t fight with him about anything and her marriage to Robbie was off limits to him.
    It bothered him, but Dean had to wonder if he had placed himself in that position. He made his own bed and he knew it. It was time to change that. Dean started to realize that had he just swallowed his pride, he wouldn’t have choked like he thought he was going to.
    If Ellen wouldn’t listen, maybe Robbie would. This was an option Dean was going to exercise.
    After making it all the way into town, Dean went all the way back up to the line of utility buildings and all the way to the end to Frank’s office, where he knew Robbie was at.
    “Come in ,” Robbie called out after Dean’s knock.
    Dean opened the door. “Hey. Busy?”
    “Nah, come on in.”
    Dean walked in closing the door. “How’s the uh . . . lip ?”
    Robbie pulled at his lip. “Sore. Can you believe Henry?”
    “No.” Dean walked up to the desk and sat down before Robbie. “You sure you aren’t busy?”
    “ I’m going over attack maps of where we were hit so I know where it’s safe for a run. Why? What’s up?”
    “I want to talk to you.”
    “Sure.” Robbie set down the map he held and grabbed a cigarette. “Shoot.”
    “It’s about Ellen.”
    “O.K.” He lit his cigarette. “What about her.”
    “Robbie.” Dean closed his eyes. “I love her. I have loved her for a really long time. We have a family together. A history. I guess . . . I guess what I’m trying to say is, I want to marry her.”
    “You had a chance. You turned her down.”
    “Yes, I know. I was wrong and I’m coming to you hoping that you can help out. I want to ask you not to marry Ellen.”
    Robbie stared at Dean for a long time. “I can’t do that.”
    “Robbie, come on. Yes you can.”
    “O.K. I can , but I won’t.” Robbie said. “I want to do this.”
    “It won’t be real. You know as well as I do as soon as Frank gets home it . . .”
    “It will be over yes.” Robbie stated calmly. “But at least I would have had it.”
    “What?” Dean was confused.
    “Dean, you’ve had Ellen a really long time. What have I had? Who have I had? No one and it doesn’t look like it will happen unless we find a colony of about a hundred women.” Robbie folded his hands and leaned on his desk. “This is my only chance to have this and I don’t want to let it go.”
    “So you’ll take my chance.”
    “You had your chance.”
    “Robbie , I am asking you not to do this.”
    “Dean, I’m telling you I am.”
    Dean shook his head and stood up. “What about Frank?”
    “What about him?”
    “How is he going to react to you being

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