The Hit List

The Hit List by Chris Ryan

Book: The Hit List by Chris Ryan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chris Ryan
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his back. 'Look into my eyes and say, "Grace, I'm going to fuck you.'"
    'Is that what you want?' he asked, undoing the silk loops of her mandarin-collared shirt.
    'That's what I want,' she breathed.
    'In that case,' said Slater, moving his mouth to her breasts, feeling the dark nipples harden beneath his lips and against his tongue, 'you should wait and see what happens.'
    'No words of love?' Her mouth was against his hair.
    'No words.'
    They undressed each other and he carried her through to one of the bedrooms. 'Wait!' she said, snatching up her handbag.
    In the mirror he watched her rise and fall over him. The whole scene -- the tall, white room, the sunlight at the windows, the slight, gasping figure straddling him - had an air of impossibility, of unreality.
    Chris Ryan
    ace,' he said.
    I me, darling,' she said quietly. 'Talk to me. Tell ijow much you want me.' Her eyes were closed
    fou know how much,' he said, moving his hips in
    with hers. 'You know how much I want you. f much I've wanted you since the first second I
    IfWhen did you want me most?'
    i morning, in the shop. That was . . .' fould you have liked those girls to watch us?' [ wouldn't have cared.' |he leant over him, let her hair fall in his face. 'Do 5, love me, Neil?'
    hesitated for less than a moment, felt the slick, insistence between her legs. At that moment he id have told her anything. 'Yes. I love you.' ^ell me that you do. Use my name.' I He reached for her hips, pressed them against him. ye you, Grace. You're the most. . .' ler nails dug into his shoulders. 'Go on!'
    I're the most beautiful. . .' j'Go on, Neil!' she gasped, biting her lower lip. 'Tell
    how . . .'
    �But Slater was beyond words. Flipping her on to her ck, taking her rhythm for his own, he drove into her i a lost, desperate abandon. Beneath him he felt her Jten, cry like an animal, tear at his shoulders with her
    until at last they were riding the wave together. Mouthing each other's names, laughing with
    The Hit List
    disbelief at the unexpectedness of it all, he fell exhausted to her side, watched the white room reform around them. She lay like a cat, eyes closed, and tentatively he drew his tongue across her breasts. What the hell am I doing here? he asked himself. What the hell have I done?
    Smiling, she drew him to her.
    'Do you really love me, like you said? If I was to get a divorce from David, would you . . . still want me? Would you still look after me?'
    He looked at her, kissed the soft hollow beneath her ear, felt the coolness of her blue-white diamond stud earring against his mouth. 'Yes,' he said. His brain felt totally disconnected from his body. 'Yes to everything.'
    That evening he accompanied her to a reception at the Tate Gallery. As he patrolled the crowd, mineral water in hand, he wondered if he was completely insane. If Duckworth got to hear that he'd spent the afternoon in bed with one of his best clients - or to be precise with the wife of one of his best clients -- then his bodyguarding career was over. He'd committed the cardinal sin.
    But it would have been worth it. God, but she was beautiful. Never in his wildest dreams had he thought he would ever see such an exquisite creature curled beside him, hear her whisper his name, beg him to make love to her again. And again. She was a tiger, green-eyed and insatiable. *
    Chris Ryan
    ained, drowsy with sex, they'd showered and ed at six o'clock. He'd discovered he was lous, and raiding the fridge had discovered a pot strakhan caviar, a mango, and a bottle of Japanese
    r. Grace Litvinoffhad recharged her batteries with cube of sushi, which to Slater's eyes looked as if
    rould barely sustain a weasel. 'You should eat s!' he told her, patting her flat little stomach.
    Then I'd look like everybody else,' she answered. I my clothes wouldn't fit. And you wouldn't want
    lie looked at him, watched him wash up the plates cutlery that they'd used. 'Neil, when did you last , sleep with anyone?'

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