The Highlander’s Witch

The Highlander’s Witch by Jennifer France Page B

Book: The Highlander’s Witch by Jennifer France Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jennifer France
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Sarah said with determination, one hand caressing her belly the other holding tightly to Doug.
    *     *     *
    Once again, Skye forgot about lunch while playing with the children and, as a parent carried the last child away, she headed for the kitchen.
    “Think they will take pity and feed us, Keir?”
    Before he could answer, they saw Elizabeth standing on the last step lost in thought, her features pensive.
    “What is it, Elizabeth?”
    Elizabeth broke out of her thoughts to look at Skye.
    She stood undecided for a moment before sighing. “Tis Anna. She had some terrible cramping.”
    “Oh no.” Skye made to go up the stairs. “Is she and the baby okay?”
    “She’s fine. So is the baby.” Elizabeth stopped her. “Collin is with her and wants time alone.”
    Skye looked up the stairs, every nerve ending pushing her to go to Anna and help.
    “The midwife says that Anna must stay completely bedridden until tis time for her to deliver.”
    Skye took a deep breath. “I can help.”
    Elizabeth patted her hand.
    “Yes, dear, but we need to let Anna rest now.” Then she walked away distracted.
    Skye looked back up the stairs and then to Keir. “I can help.”
    “Aye, lass, but ye heard the mistress. Let her rest.” He steered her towards the kitchen.
    Skye sat at the long table in the kitchen, pushing the food on her plate around, feeling torn in two.
    Keir finally pulled her from the room so they could get supper served without her in the way.
    Bringing her plate with her, Skye entered the dining hall and sat down noticing the empty chairs at the head table and the somberness of the room.
    Other than a few murmurs, no one seemed to want to break the mood.
    Having no desire to eat and tired of the way Finley and Riona kept looking at her, Skye left the hall and grabbed two candles before heading to bed with her decision made.
    She could not leave knowing she might be able to save a life and was going to tell Sarah that she needed to stay a little longer before coming home.
    That stopped her in her tracks.
    Did she trust her standing in this place to take care of Anna and the baby and then be able to go home?
    She couldn’t help the doubts she was having. Being out of her element, let alone her own time, made her feel vulnerable in ways she couldn’t explain. There was a very real possibility that they were a superstitious lot and feared what she could do to them.
    In her own time, people feared the unknown and Skye could only imagine how much worse it was here.
    Maybe she could do it without anyone’s knowledge.
    The door was always open when she was in the room but the guard never looked so, as long as there was nothing to attract his attention, she should be all right.
    She continued walking as she played with her father’s ring, her step slow as she considered all aspects. The hardest part was being able to concentrate without others becoming worried at her silence. It wasn’t like she couldn’t talk but she needed to be able to see without distractions so she wouldn’t miss anything vital.
    There was also the possibility that she could do it while alone with Anna. Could she trust the girl to keep it to herself if she told her what she could do?
    Growling in frustration, she entered her bedroom, smiled crookedly at the guard who stared at her strangely, and closed her door.
    Walking over to the bedside table, she placed her two candles on top, keeping one lit on the stand before calling out to her sister.
    They had been waiting for her.
    “Good to see this is getting easier.” Skye laughed softly. “So then, what in your original spell got me here?”
    “I don’t know.” Gladys admitted. “I created a spell for you to find the man of your destiny and thought your list would help to pinpoint that man. How it sent you to the stone ages I haven’t figured out yet.”
    “I suppose that doesn’t matter now since we need to know how to get me back.”
    “Exactly.” Sarah piped in. “We

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